MySQL 8.0 Certification is available !

The MySQL 8.0 DBA Certification is now available. 85 questions to get the first MySQL 8.0 certification ! You can find details on the Oracle Exam 1Z0-908 page. This exams covers mostly all relevant topics for all MySQL 8.0 Administrator…

MySQL 5.6 EOL is February 2021 !!

MySQL 8.0 has been so far the release with the fastest rate of adoption ! Great !! But some people are still very conservative and I understand that too. However it’s time to upgrade if you are still running MySQL…

MySQL 8.0 & PHP

See some update at the end: 23 Dec 2019 MySQL and PHP is a love story that started long time ago. However the love story with MySQL 8.0 was a bit slower to start… but don’t worry it rules now…

MySQL 8.0 and Magento

In my road trip of the Open Source projects using MySQL, after having tested WordPress, Drupal and Joomla, let’s try to install Magento using MySQL 8.0 ! In Magento’s manual, we can see that the project requires MySQL 5.6 and…

MySQL Shell Plugins: InnoDB

Today, we will cover a totally different MySQL Shell plugin: InnoDB. Currently only 3 methods have been created: Those related to the Table space fragmentation, have already been covered in this recent article. Let’s discover the getAlterProgress()method. This method allows…

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.