Hello dear MySQL Community ! As you know FOSDEM 2020 will take place February 1st and 2nd. After having received many, many requests we decided to organize for the 4th year in a row the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day… with a big change, for this edition the event will be called “pre-FOSDEM MySQL Days” !
We have decided to extend that extra day related to the world’s most popular open source database to 2 days: 30th and 31st of January at the usual location in Brussels.
We will also have the usual sessions track but most probably a second room for those who would like to get their hands dirty in the code !!
Please don’t forget to register as soon as possible as you may already know, the seats are limited !
Register on eventbrite: https://mysqldays2020.eventbrite.com
And, please don’t forget, that if you have register for the event and you cannot make it, please free back your ticket for somebody else.
The schedule will be available soon, stay tuned !