preFOSDEM MySQL Days: summary and slides

What a great event ! I got very positive feedback for this extended preFOSDEM MySQL Day 2020.

Before my summary, I wanted to thank again all speakers and attendees. Without you this event won’t even exist. And thank you to ICAB for hosting us yet another time !

As you may know, we had 2 parallel tracks for 2 consecutive days. We had very valuable technical content from the MySQL developers and also from the external community members who talked about their favorite database.

There was a large interest in MySQL NDB Cluster and it was obvious that the nice presentations we had, encouraged people to try the worlds highest performance open source in-memory database (and they can even test it on their laptop with DBDeployer). The NDB users were also happy with the new stuff and impressive numbers that Bernd shared.

Of course our HA story with MySQL InnoDB Cluster and MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet was also well welcomed by our users, they really liked how InnoDB Clone is well integrated in those solution. Same for the new DNS SRV support. Kenny presented best practices to implementing both the above architectures. Uber presented how they are using MySQL Group Replication in production (see the inteview of Giedrius)

This year we also had the chance to have Oracle Labs’s VP, Nipun Agarwal, sharing some of the work they are doing with the MySQL Team for OCI. In the cloud, it’s possible to use MySQL for both OLTP (InnoDB) and OLAP (RAPID/Analytics). Nipun presented impressive case studies for MySQL Analytics.

We should of course not forget 2 big stars of the show: MySQL 8.0 and MySQL Shell !

The Shell is more and more popular and we are really happy about that. For example, I’m starting to have more pull requests or bug reports for the plugins I share on github.

And MySQL 8?… it’s indeed the release with the fastest adoption and TicketSolve explained why ! Saverio talked about their experience moving to MySQL 8.0 in production. Additionally, we also had a dedicated track on all the enhancements for the MySQL Optimizer in 8.0. See the slides about HASH JOINS, JSON Array Indexes, ….

In conclusion this was a successful event for the MySQL Community Team and I hope for all speakers and attendees too.

The location is already booked for the 2021’s edition you are warned way in advance (it will be just before FOSDEM).

Here are the links to all presentations:

Day 1:

Day 2:

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As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.