MySQL 8.0 has been so far the release with the fastest rate of adoption ! Great !!
But some people are still very conservative and I understand that too. However it’s time to upgrade if you are still running MySQL 5.6.
Indeed, MySQL 5.6.10, first GA version of 5.6, was released 7 years ago already, the 5th February 2013 !!
You have one year to prepare your migration. To help you in this task, these are some links to webinars we made:
You might also find useful information in some previous articles I wrote:
- How to safely upgrade to MySQL 8.0 ?
- Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 on Windows
- Migrating to MySQL 8.0 without breaking old application
- Migrating to MySQL 8.0 for WordPress – episode 1
- Migrating to MySQL 8.0 for WordPress – episode 2: workload analysis
And finally, I’ve plenty of presentations on MySQL 8.0 on my slideshare account.
MySQL 8 is Great, it’s time to upgrade !
Art Credit: rip by monkik from the Noun Project
And btw when MySQL 5.6 first piece of code (not GA) went public :
– the #1 movie in box office was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
– the #1 at Billboard’s Top Hot 100 was : Rolling in the Deep – Adele
Yeah I know 2011 seems so far 🙂