Unveiling the Highlights: A Look Back at MySQL Belgian Days 2024

Our MySQL Belgian Days were a complete success. With 120 participants, the room was packed throughout the 2 days from the first to the last session. A record for this event !

The audience was made up of customers (some from very far away), users, contributors, community members and, of course, old friends.

The atmosphere was relaxed and everyone seemed happy to be there and to be talking about MySQL.

This is one of the rare opportunities to meet the MySQL developers who also operate our MySQL service on OCI and, for the first time, to meet the developers who code the unique features relating to HeatWave. Their presentations were technical, explaining the problems they encountered and which algorithms they used to to solve them, this was very interesting. The feedback from the audience was very positive.

The first day was dedicated to the MySQL Community. Several speakers presented their solutions, ranging from caching and monitoring to distributed systems.

Some other speakers explained their architecture and how they are using hybrid systems, on premise and cloud.

The second day was dedicated to the MySQL Team. The engineers presented content related to their current projects. Geir Hoydalsvik, the Senior Director of Software Development, presented the new MySQL release model, emphasizing the imminent arrival of the very first Long-Term Support (LTS) version. The need for this session was underlined by the apparent lack of clarity of some participants on the subject.

It was also very clear that many people are using MySQL Shell and that they love it ! Many users are in fact already deploying their architectures using the Admin API, this is a great news!

MySQL Shell Dump & Load utility are also very popular tools and everyone has praised their effectiveness.

The developers present in the room were also interested in Oystein‘s presentation regarding the use of GraalVM in MySQL to write Store Procedures in JavaScript.

Before the end of this 2 days conference, we had the MySQL Rockstar ceremony. All the winners were unanimous, and our first winner of the MySQL Rockstar Legend award received the loudest applause: well done Datacharmer!

The conference concludes with the traditional MySQL Community Dinner dinner expertly organised by Matthias, kudos !

We now have one year to prepare for our next MySQL Belgian Days, when we will celebrate MySQL’s 30th anniversary !

Here are the slides of the sessions:

Day 1 – MySQL Ecosystem Day

Day 2 – Oracle MySQL Day

MySQL Rockstar 2023 Awards

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As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.