MySQL Team at Percona Live Amsterdam

From October 3rd to 5th, the MySQL Engineering and Community Team will be in Amsterdam to present MySQL 8.0 at Percona Live. The Conference Committee has rated all the numerous submissions and I’m very proud to announce that we will…

Oracle Open World 2016

From September 18–22, 2016 in San Francisco will be held the 2016’s edition of Oracle Open World. The MySQL Team will be well represented with more than 20 sessions related to all the new stuff we released for 5.7 and…

sync_binlog = 1 in MySQL 5.7

As Morgan announced it his blog post related to new defaults in 5.7, in 5.7.7 and newer the default value of sync_binlog is now 1. This of course has an impact on performance especially if you don’t have fast storage…

I joined the MySQL Community Team !

As some already noticed it, I’ve recently joined the amazing MySQL family in Oracle. I’m now part to the awesome MySQL Community Team and I will be mostly present in EMEA. Why did I make such change ? Oracle offered…

New blog !

Hi, I’ve finally decided to upgrade my old drupal 6.x blog… I tried Drupal 8, but to be honest I finally migrated to WordPress. WordPress is more easy to maintain, to deal with and also it has a nice Mobile…

Percona Live, MySQL Conference & Expo 2016

Percona Live 2016, Data Performance Conference Santa Clara, April 13-16, 2015
Like every year since I joined Percona, I also plan to speak at the next Percona Live Conference & Expo in Santa Clara during spring 2016.

Once again I want to share with the users, DBAs and developers my experience related to MySQL High Availability and especially with Galera.

This year, Percona implemented a Community Vote to rate the talks you would like to see in the schedule. So if you want to attend one or more of my talks, please vote for them.

Of course, I invite you to rate other people's talk too, that will help the organisation and the Conference Committee to prepare the schedule.

These are the direct links to my talks and tutorial:


NetworkManager, OpenVPN on Fedora 21

On openvpn setups where MD5 is still in use with the SSL certificate, it's now impossible to connect when you are in Fedora 21.

To allow openvpn client to connect to such VPN using NetworkManager, you need to modify /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service and add the following two lines in [Service] section:


Restart the service and it will work ;)

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.