sysbench 0.5 for CentOS 6

During my work I sometimes need to perform some benchmarks. I usually use sysbench. The version provided in EPEL for CentOS is old and I wanted to benefit from all the new features of the latest version from launchpad maintained by my colleague Alexey. But as I don't want to install bzr and devel packages and then recompile each time, I decided to make an rpm. I think some people could find it useful so I share it. Enjoy ! [update] I made a new package that also includes the lua files for db tests. [update] New package from last bzr trunk where bug related to --tx-rate has been fixed (requested by my colleague Jay for his Percona Live New York tutorial about XtraDB Cluster


Tomorrow I'll be at Loadays to discuss about Percona Toolkit I hope to see you there if you want to discuss about Percona Toolkit or any other cool stuff Percona is working on related to HA like PRM and XtraDB Cluster.

Fosdem 2012 – Pictures

I already uploaded the pictures of Fosdem and especially the MySQL & Friends devroom:
Thank you to all visitors and speakers ! I hope you enjoyed it an see you next year !

Fosdem 2012

Once again, I will spend my week-end in Brussels for the FOSDEM. I'm going to FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting I will start on Friday with the traditional Beer Event. On Saturday, I will visit some stands and attend to some talks... and in the evening, I will take part of the MySQL & Friends Meetup. If you search me on Sunday, I wil be locked in the MySQL & Friends' Devroom. I will finish my fosdem by a presentation related to Percona Toolkit. See you there and enjoy Fosdem 2012 !

It’s time to vote the schedule of FOSDEM MySQL & Friends devroom !

It's now time to collaborate on this main event ! This even is for the MySQL Community by the MySQL Community and therefor we want your small contribution to prepare the schedule. The deadline for talk submission was last Yesterday. Now it's time to vote for the talks you want to see in the schedule. Everything is explained on this page (thank you @datacharmer) : FOSDEM 2012 MySQL & Friends proposals So, open your mail client or your twitter client and vote now() ! The MySQL and Friends devroom is Room H.1309 (150 seats). We will be there on Sunday 5th February 2012, all day. Thank you and see you soon in Brussels to talk MySQL and/or have a nice Belgian Beer ;-)

Thomas Vander Stichele made my day

Since a while, everyday at 8pm, my N900 was complaining because it wasn't able to sync one of my calendar (my corporate google calendar). I never really paid attention... but yesterday I decided to fix this. The calendar sync is done using erminig-ng. My first action was to save the backtrace and have a look at it... I could understand that a integer was provided where the code was expecting a string. So before fixing this, I decided to get the last source code... mmm... and then the github reposirory of thomasvs made my day ! Indeed this guy already fixed the problem and explains that on his blog. He also provides a package to update erminig-ng on the phone :-) Thank you Thomas to not letting me reinventing the wheel !

MySQL & Friends at FOSDEM 2012

2012 is near... and so is the next FOSDEM edition ! This year again, MySQL will be represented by its Community. If you want to discuss with friend's of MySQL it's the place to be in February ! Like every year, FOSDEM takes place the first week-end of February in Brussels. The MySQL and Friends devroom is Room H.1309 (150 seats). We will have the room on Sunday 5th February 2012, all day. We are organizing a MySQL & Friends dinner on Saturday night, more to come later on this. If you want to propose a talk (you are in fact invited to propose one !), the deadline is December 26th. Like we did on past editions, as soon as the talks are submitted, we will ask everyone to vote on the talks via Twitter or email. Propose your talk now() here. Thank you and see you soon in Brussels to talk MySQL and/or have a nice Belgian Beer ;-) related posts: * datacharmer's blog * sergey petrunia's blog

Speaking at Percona Live London 2011

If you want to meet me, I will be speaking at Percona Live in London this October I will be presenting during the two days, on Monday Oct 24th during the tutorials I will present the MySQL DBA Swiss army knife. This is a technical session about the daily tools you must control as MySQL DBA. You will have your hands in the oil as we say in French and we gonna discover together how useful and powerful are those tools. We will cover different topics like performance, maintenance, ... On Tuesday I will present two talks during the conference: 1. Deploy MySQL like a devops sysadmin 2. MySQL partitioning: the Spider solution I hope to see you there and if you plan to join PLUK 2011 and you still don't register, I can provide you reduction voucher code, just contact me by email or on twitter.

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.