Samba 3 > 3.0.11 boring stuff… not so boring ;-)

A friend, Arrfab, pointed me to something I completly forgot to check for my problem.

I never had that problem in the past, but to be able to put Users and Computers in different ldap ou's with the newest samba 3 releases, the file /etc/ldap.conf must have the following entries :

nss_base_passwd         ou=Users,ou=OxObjects,dc=yourdomain,dc=be?one
nss_base_passwd         ou=Computers,ou=OxObjects,dc=yourdomain,dc=be?one

In many howto's only one row for nss_base_passwd is used.

Samba 3 > 3.0.4 boring stuff

I'm a big disapointed with samba 3 upper of version 3.0.4(tested on 3.0.22 and 3.023c), using ldap as backend, I don't have a solution to split users and computers accounts... This is very annoying :(

Even if I put in smb.conf :

add machine script = /opt/IDEALX/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w '%u'
ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers

it doesn't work, it seems that this is never took in consideration. (I even tryed the old way to add machines, replacing '%u' by '%m').

My first steps with NuFW


I tested for the first time Nufw and this is the list of some points I noticed :

- not easy to compile, many files are missing in the client part
- users into openldap works but not the acl's, or I didn't find yet how ;-)
- I was not able to compile the gnome client
- no free version for windope

Happy Blog Day !

Today (I still have 34 mins), it's the Worldwide Blog Day, so let's wish an happy blog day to my dear blog ;-)

I'll try to be more active on you dear blog... but time is time and there is only 24 hours into a day...

So cya soon....

Getting Things Done

After having listened to "Comme un Lundi" on pureFM(1) dedicated on the personal management method called GTD, I decided to search for an OSS project that could help me to start with that method. This method is also used to remove some stress using the mindsweep concept. But for more details about the method itself follow the links on Fr

Browse bluetooth device

Work around to use my usb bluetooth dongle to browse files from in my mobile and retrieve them.

I did several test to be able to transfert files from my mobile to my laptop and vice-versa.
The command line solution was ok but I prefer a gui solution to be able to browse also the files.

Thunderbird and Mnenhy

I was looking how to hack thunderbird to add an extra header when I compose a new mail.

I started this with some success only to display it but not yet so add the new field in the header when the mail is sent.

Then I found mnenhy (1), this is a very nice project that allows me to add what I want... but I'd like to link that new extra field to an openLDAP and this is not yet possible... If I've time I'll try to fix this.


Back to my blog

As I received too much spam as comment into my blog, I decided to remove that feature and I decided also to "blog back". Something I would like to share with all the rock'n'roll fans around is the podcasting(1) of very interesting emission of Classic 21.

I advise the "Making Of", the "Journal du Rock" and "Classic 21 Rocks". To read those podcast I use iPodder(2).

(1) Classic 21 podcasting

(2) iPodder

Program Guard

I have not yet tested this solution but it seems to be a nice solution to have sometimes an overview of the connexion attempts on your machine connected on a network (Interner, LAN, ...)

It can be also used for educational purpose or for those people that doesn't trust yet the nice netfiler rules created by a friend on their new Linux box ;-)

Program Guard


Extend your firefox with a new feature

After you try'll it, this features will become essential !

Viamatic foXpose by Vivek Jishtu permits to view all the browser windows (and tabs) with a single click on the icon in the status bar or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + X

Many other nice extensions are available for firefox, I use for example the following extensions :

  • Web Developer
  • SwitchProxy Tool
  • FlashGot
  • Tabbrowser Preferences

foXpose download


Open-Xchange impressions…

I've implemented last week an Open-Xchange Server and here is my feeling about it :

OX rocks !! ;-)

It's a very nice product, very complete and usefull. It works also without any problem with lookout(tm)... and this is pitty... it works much better with a close source client than an open source one :(

The administration part is also a problem for users that are not the best friends of command line tools and ldap.

During this installation ldapvi was my best friend ! And I also wrote a patch, a new command line tool and a text based admin interface : oxadmin (0.2 and only in french for the moment)

Those are in available at my contributions page

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.