Fedora 10 Beta

I tested Fedora 9 on my Eeepc 900, but wireless wasn't working (even with livna madwifi kmod I wasn't able to join my fon).
But before putting back the original distribution on it, I tested Fedora 10 Beta. And I was very happy with it.
I just had one day of no-productivity with it due to a bug (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461205) that forced my to use vesa driver for my Xorg.
With this morning's update everything runs perfectly. I even installed my favorite IM software (pidgin) and found two nice plugins for people using Facebook and/or Twitter:
- purple-facebookchat
- purple-microblog
I also recommend to use Epiphany instead of Firefox 3, the cpu eater, on an Eeepc !
So I don't have anymore plans to re-intall xandros on my Eeepc :-D