SambaXP Episode 1

Hello dear readers (if they are any ;-) ),

Since today I'm (with Stijn, a colleague) in Germany in Göttingen for SambaXP.
I'll try to blog every time I have a break.

The first session of the tutorial by Jerry is very interesting but maybe a bit too fast. I can't imagine how difficult it is to follow this session for none samba experience people.

Perl Binary

Raskas asked me a question about the creation off a binary Perl script.

The goal of this was to run a Perl script on a machine where Perl is not installed.

perlcc should be our friend... but some dependencies were still giving troubles, so I tried to find another solution, here is a summary of my small research :

first, the Perl script's source (Copyright fred... but in GPL !) :

The hard reality of Belgium

I spend in average 1/6 of a day on in my car ! With all the disadvantages of that : backache, stress and the most... wasting my time :-(

I've tried to leave at every hour, early morning :

late :

always with the same result :

Comments are again open

This post to announce that comments are again open on my blog. So don't hesitate to contribute, I'll try to reply to comments as frequently as I can.

As you can notice, there is small modification on the form requesting for very deep mathematical knowledge ;-)

Fedora Core 6 and Personal File Sharing

Something I discovered with Fedora Core 6 is the Personal File Sharing, even if this feature is not new, but I didn't install it on my previous gentoo box.

So I decided to try it with a colleague, Den Raf, and we had some troubles, to set it up it's very easy... but to use it with nautilus it wasn't so easy...

First step: enable it :

Go into System->Preferences menu and select "Personal File Sharing" as follow :

Fedora Core 6 + Dual Head on Dell Latitude D620

I'm very happy with my new D620, but of course I couldn't use FC6 out of the box (the iso in fact). I had some troubles with the Xorg resolution but google is my friend and I was able to have 1440x900 using the 915resolution program.

The laptop is able to run Compiz, so everything is nice in the best world... but (there is always a but) using a dual head configuration crashes always my X :(

I found that it's due to Compiz (or beryl) so I guess it's something to do with AIXGL... if somebody as a solution...

Bad day for PHP programming

Desperate PHP developer... that's what I am today... why ?

Due to an ugly PHP bug with PHP provided with FC6 (maybe on other distributions too). I already spent some time to find that it was a bug, previously I was using sqlite with the sqlite PHP functions, but since I use the FC6, to have the support of sqlite, PDO must be used... so I did !

Top 10 used commands

After reading sdog's last blog entry with the same title as this one, I'd try the same command on my laptop.

Here is the result of

 history|awk '{print $2}'|awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"} {print $1}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn|head -10
    132 ssh
     84 exit
     52 su
     35 telnet
     32 cd
     25 ls
     19 grep
     15 man
     13 scp
     13 ping

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.