I’m a Fonero

and even more a free fonero...

I finally found time to hack my La Fonera (www.fon.com), of course I don't want/plan to replace the firmware of my La Fonera, it would be an injustice to install a relgular OpenWRT firmware on it, I had to do it because I'd modify the dns search of the lan and the dns provided by the dhcp from this small box.

External Drive’s Name


I received my external usb/firewire (400/800) drive, it's quiet nice not very thin but seems robust enough with some rubber protection around it and this is a good point as it's my daily work external drive !

When I plugged it in the first time I got his :

My colleague Toi received also the same disk and I saw the same icon when I plugged it in.

This is the future !

and the future is Open Source !!

Today I installed eyeOS for the first time, just because I was curious about this project and my first impression (that's still there now) is : THIS IS AMAZING and this is the future !

Of course some improvements should be done on the applications parts, writing some more in fact like an ssh client (I know I'm a geek), a jabber client, an irc client... but the current work is already very nice !

And all this into a tgz of 746K !

There is already a nice community around this project it seems : http://www.eyeos.org/community

I hope to find some time to test writing some applications for this web based os.

SambaXP Episode 7

I followed during this last days many talks (10), mainly in Developer Track. I really enjoyed the talks of Gerald Carter (Jerry) on Winbind's New and Improved IDMap * Nssinfo Interface. The openchange demo was really impressive and received many applauses from the audience.

Some other talks were not so nice, some speakers should improve their speeching skill, btw I know that's not easy.

In conclusion, I was very happy to attend to this Zamba :-P conference where I've learn a lot and where I met some members of the Samba Team.

Samba 3.0.25 will be a very important release I guess.

SambaXP Episode 6.beta1

Some pictures of the social event where we boozed with the some members of the Samba Team :

As you can see those guys are really nerds, they even code during the social event at the restaurant :-P

SambaXP Episode 6

The rest of the afternoon of this Tuesday April 24th started with the presentation of the tool Likewise Identity of Centeris but the presentation was delayed due to technical problems and the speakers was talking too quickly.

The next speech was great ! Andrew Tridgell presented the new approach to clustering in Samba with CTDB. The figures during the demo were really impressive ! I hope the slides will be online very soon.

After this G

SambaXP Episode 5

We started this afternoon with a very funny introduction by John Tempstra. I started it taking off his tie and the slides presenting the samba team were very funny. I hope those will be on-line soon. He called Samba : UUII (Unseen University of Incompatible Interoperability) ;-)

Then we were all surprised when Howard Chu (openldap) started his very interesting presentation by playing violin !

SambaXP Misc

This blog entry is only some miscellaneous fun from my SambaXP expedition ;-)

The following pictures illustrate my multi-tasks capacity, I'm working very hard while reading my new PHP5 book :

Something I was very surprise was to find some Apollinaris water, I thing it was close to 15 years that I didn't drink/see any, so I had to take a shot of it :

SambaXP Episode 4

Jerry shows us some other nice features and some very dark uncommented features form our M$ friends.

One of those nice features is the possibility to setup a Service Control Delegation that allows users from certain groups to start or stop some services running on the GNU/Linux server like cups, apache...

MySQL Master-Master Replication

To set up a dual master replication with MySQL, only some modification must be done, it's very simple and there is a lot of howto's on the topic. This is my contribution with a basic setup and I've tried to gather common commands to maintain such solution.

The big picture :

The first step is to configure both mysql using the file my.cnf (usualy on /etc in GNU/Linux) :

SambaXP Episode 3

This morning we saw very cool stuff like printer migrations and still more management (like shares) from the Windows Remote Management Tools ! We also pointed the M$-DFS.

The new port feature added in 3.0.23 seems nice too. And we saw that the printers can be "managed" by regedit.

Once again it's a lot of M$ tools but the integration is very impressive... it's time for VT ;-)

SambaXP Episode 2b

And with the last beer of yesterday night, I present my colleague Stijn :

We arrived both at the same conclusion : Belgian Beers are really the best !

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.