Enable https to our Moodle

Yesterday, we saw how to easily deploy Moodle to OCI with MDS. Today we will see how to enable https to that new created Web site. In this post we use Moodle but it is exactly the same process for…
Yesterday, we saw how to easily deploy Moodle to OCI with MDS. Today we will see how to enable https to that new created Web site. In this post we use Moodle but it is exactly the same process for…
Moodle is the world’s most popular learning management system. Moodle is Open Source and of course it’s compatible with the most popular Open Source Database : MySQL ! I’ve already posted an article on how to install Moodle on OCI…
Magento is an Open-Source e-commerce platform written in PHP using multiple other PHP frameworks such as Laminas and Symphony. Magento source code is distributed under Open Software License v3.0. Deploying Magento is not always easy as it often requires registration.…
The easiest way to deploy Joomla! on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and MySQL Database Service, is to use OCI Resource Manager’s stack. Let’s see how easy it’s to deploy such solution. If you don’t have already an OCI account, you can…
From MySQL Shell 8.0.24, it’s possible to log all the SQL statements issued in MySQL Shell. Everything is well documented in the dedicated manual section: System Logging for SQL Statements. Let’s see it in action. We will first start MySQL…
Recently I posted an article on how to deal with arrays when trying to use MySQL Shell Dump Utility in command line. Of course, this proposed solution was a workaround for MySQL Shell <= 8.0.23. The new version of MySQL…
MySQL 8.0.24 has been released today \o/ As usual, it’s highly advised to read the release notes to get informed about the changes and bug fixed. MySQL is Open Source and each release contains contributions from our great Community. Let…
Another common question I receive about MySQL Shell Dump & Load Utility is how to dump a schema and load it with another name. Make a copy in fact. Dumping the Schema To do so, we need to use the…
As you know, the best way to perform logical dump for MySQL is to use MySQL Shell Dump & Load utilities. This is the most powerful option as it can dump and load in parallel (it also include many options…
From MySQL 8.0.27, the only way to create DR for MySQL InnoDB Cluster is to use MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet !
When you migrate to MySQL Database Service on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (MDS on OCI), the easiest, fastest and recommended way it to use MySQL Dump & Load Utility. For more information check these different links: …
I’ve already provided some solutions to connect to your MDS instance, using MySQL Router, SSH tunnel, … but one of the best way if you have multiple instance to manage, is to use a VPN. This post summarize the steps…
As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.
You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.