MDS, PHP and authentication

Recently I blogged about how to easily deploy a LAMP application to MDS. Using the Terraform module (OCI Resource Manager’s Stack) you also have the possibility to choose the PHP version to install: But as you should already know, not…

MySQL dump & load InnoDB Buffer Pool

For performance, having a warm InnoDB Buffer Pool is very important. What does that mean ? A warm buffer pool means that the most used pages (working set) required by the production workload are already loaded in memory (in the…

Enable https to our Moodle

Yesterday, we saw how to easily deploy Moodle to OCI with MDS. Today we will see how to enable https to that new created Web site. In this post we use Moodle but it is exactly the same process for…

Deploy Magento on MDS & HeatWave

Magento is an Open-Source e-commerce platform written in PHP using multiple other PHP frameworks such as Laminas and Symphony. Magento source code is distributed under Open Software License v3.0. Deploying Magento is not always easy as it often requires registration.…

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.