pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2019

For the third year in a row, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our MySQL Engineers during FOSDEM to organize the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day. The program of this 3rd edition is already on track, thank you to…
For the third year in a row, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our MySQL Engineers during FOSDEM to organize the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day. The program of this 3rd edition is already on track, thank you to…
Today I read the nice post of Bhuvanesh on the memory leak issue they experienced with MySQL. In fact when you read the post, you realize that MySQL was just following the parameters that were setup (the default of max_prepare_stmt_count…
Has you may already know, in MySQL it is possible to set an expiration period for passwords. It’s not always obvious to see when the password will expire. And most of the time if you don’t pay much attention you…
Recently, I did some maintenance on Innotop and I merged several pull requests including one to support MySQL 8.0 (thank you yoku0825 for the contribution). As you know, Innotop is written in Perl and to be able to use it…
There are multiple way to setup replication with MySQL 8.0 and our replication offer as never been so rich: asynchronous, semi-synchronous, group replication, multi-source, … and much more options ! But if you want to setup a very quick Master-Replics…
As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.
You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.