Category Devel

Thomas Vander Stichele made my day

Since a while, everyday at 8pm, my N900 was complaining because it wasn't able to sync one of my calendar (my corporate google calendar). I never really paid attention... but yesterday I decided to fix this.

The calendar sync is done using erminig-ng.

My first action was to save the backtrace and have a look at it... I could understand that a integer was provided where the code was expecting a string.

So before fixing this, I decided to get the last source code... mmm... and then the github reposirory of thomasvs made my day ! Indeed this guy already fixed the problem and explains that on his blog. He also provides a package to update erminig-ng on the phone :-)

Thank you Thomas to not letting me reinventing the wheel !

Ignite talks with impress!ve

During last devopsdays in Hamburg, Gildas presented a session of ignite talks.
He was using impress!ve but it seems the software was not really designed for that purpose: you should have manually defined the duration of the session but also calculate the duration of each slides...

I decided then to patch this very nice product to fit the "ignite" needs :)

The proposed patch automatically calculate the duration of the slides and add the a countdown for the slide display + the slide number. (see screenshots)

New argument :

$ impressive --ignite 5m MySQL-spider.pdf

ptxArchiver 0.3

ptxArchiver 0.3 is out.

I added the possibility to not insert the delete statement in the binlog for replication. I also fixed some minor bugs.

give it a try and send me your feedback :)

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.