EeePC synchronization with unison

Sometimes I use my EeePC during a meeting, or when I don't want to use my bigger Dell laptop. But of course I'd like to be able to synchronize one folder on both machines to transfer documents that I should update on both laptops. unison is my friend for this task, but as I'd like to test some avahi and libnotify code to automate and integrate this solution on my gnome desktop, I wrote the following python script : EeepcSync Instructions on how to use it are present in the script. Somes screen captures : of course the code should be reviewed as I'm very newbie in python ;-)

Is the review of SQL statements the only valid way to optimize them ?

Asking the question is already answering to it ;) I had a very long query that was even locking the table during the select on innodb (select into, that's due to the binlog). To avoid that query I decided to replace the select into statement by a select into outfile and add a second statement to perform the load data infile. The query was running for 18 hours !! It was impossible to change it, but the amout of data was huge, more than 100M rows (>1.2GB of returned data). I was able to reduce the running time by 9 : now the query runs in 1h50 ! How ? by adding SQL_BIG_RESULT to my select and by modifying two MySQL variables : set global join_buffer_size=67108864; set global query_cache_size=67108864;

MySQL Conference Paris 2008

Yesterday with Zipkid[1], we went to the MySQL(/Sun) Conference in Paris[2]. We took the TGV in Lille to Paris, then the metro (with too many stairs...) and a nice walk before we found the right place. We received a nice bag, good ! We arrived just some minutes late during the introduction by Bertrand Matthelié (MySQL) and Bruno Hourdel (Sun). That was a nice presentation and Bruno clarify some points on the bought of MySQL by Sun. Robin Schumacher made a nice presentation about the future features of MySQL, very interesting and MySQL Enterprise becomes more and more interesting with the monitoring and the new MysQL Query Analyzer[3]. We were a bit surprised that those presentations where on M$ office and not using or StarOffice ;-) We followed then the presentation of Serge Frezefond about Web2.0 and memcached, first part was quite common, the second one was much more attractive for me. The topic of the next presentation (HA and loadbalancing with MySQL Proxy) was maybe the most important reason of my presence in Paris... but I was disappointed by the presentation of Omar Zemrag, his inexperience as speaker was too obvious... pity. The lunch was very good, isn't it Zipkid ? Before every presentation we could "enjoy" the famous song of The Beatles : "here comes the sun" We got a thunder sponsors presentation, one minute per sponsors, that was just enough. The LEMUG[4] is doing now what we were already doing in Belgium with technical meeting between MySQL users, but they also provide stuffed mysql dolfins, but we didn't see or get one :-( We attended the presentation of Miriam Tuerk about datawarehouse with MySQL and Infobright[5] where we heard about good, bad and ugly data packs :-) This is something I should check soon. After this we saw a customer case : Virgin Mobile (Xavier Nicolle). It was not easy to understand him, his voice wasn't good with the accoustic system it seems and he was "eating" his words. The MySQL backup strategy presentation from Max Mether was too slow (it would be certainly nicer in English) and the content was an overview of the basis (mysqldump, copy files), nothing new in fact, I expected some overview of zamanda. Scale Up, Scale Out, Virtualization by Serge Frezefond. He gave a nice summary of the benefits of the different virtualization method concerning MySQL. For high performance and critial applications, full virt or para virt are of course not advised. He advised for MySQL the OS virtualization like zones on Solaris, OpenVZ or VSever on Linux. We also saw nice slides summarizing the load on different levels : network, cpu, ram/caching, i/o, space... It seems that when we reach some limitations in an intensive write application, scale out is the solution, but that scale out can happen on the same physical machine using multiple instances especially on machines with a large number of cores... (I don't have yet enough return of experience on this topic). This is called "instance scale-out". Serge illustrated this with a benchmark's results (DBT2, mysqlslap). In conclusion, currently is stupid to run only one instance of MySQL on a machine having more than 8 cores. This is then a green approach :-) But having more instances will also consume more diskspace if they need the same data... I was globally happy with this conference, but I'd prefer to have some technical high level tracks. Would be nice if MySQL organize some event like SambaXP. PS: for my Sun lover colleagues, I've learn that Sun has something called MySQL coolstack: it's binary of MySQL optimized for Sun platforms. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Fedora 10 Beta

I tested Fedora 9 on my Eeepc 900, but wireless wasn't working (even with livna madwifi kmod I wasn't able to join my fon). But before putting back the original distribution on it, I tested Fedora 10 Beta. And I was very happy with it. I just had one day of no-productivity with it due to a bug ( that forced my to use vesa driver for my Xorg. With this morning's update everything runs perfectly. I even installed my favorite IM software (pidgin) and found two nice plugins for people using Facebook and/or Twitter: - purple-facebookchat - purple-microblog I also recommend to use Epiphany instead of Firefox 3, the cpu eater, on an Eeepc ! So I don't have anymore plans to re-intall xandros on my Eeepc :-D

Gimp User Filter

Yesterday I read an article[1] on about gimp-userfiler[2], a project I tested in the earliest version. As I'm a fan of The Gimp, I could not let it pass... So I tested it again last night and I was very happy to see that it works... and it even works great ! The project of Jens Ch. Restemeier and Torsten Neuer allows to import Photoshop(tm) filters to The Gimp. Here are some screenshots of importing .ffl files (from [3]) and using them: Some examples : I've also created an rpm for Fedora 9 x86_64 ( not using checkinstall ;-) ) I'm very happy with this project that improve again the value of The Gimp! [1] [2] gimpuserfilter [3] Steve's Desktop Photography [4] gimp-plugin-userfilter-0.9.7-1.x86_64.rpm

My knee

My knee is the culprit of my absence on the Net (irc, jabber, blog, comments) these days. I underwent a rebuilding (transplant) of the former cross ligament :-( So I'll not be active on the Net still for a while...


The operation of my knee is a success, but now I've 2 weeks at home. During that time I'd like to start the analyse of a rma module for OTRS that I've to develop soon. I've already checked ITSM and SIRIOS modules but none of them fill my needs. If you have some experience, howto's, example let me know by posting a comment on my post. Thanks.

swfdec and amfphp

I was a bit too optimist on my last post about swfdec and firefox. It seems that amfphp (at least the browser) is not workig with that flash plugin. So I re-installed the flash-plugin of adobe. Tip : I had to install nspluginwrapper but both architecture 32 and 64 bits packages. Then I ran
mozilla-plugin-config -i -g -v

Moving to Fedora 9

Today I moved to Fedora 9. First impression : It seems nice, it's fast. The only bad point is the quality of the graphics rendering during the installation, on my Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller, the buttons and the text fields were not complete :( I'm using now swfdec for flash in Firefox and it's ok with so I'm happy. I find also nice that to enable a flash animation a click on it is needed, I hope it safes some cpu usage ;) As usually, when I install a new Fedora, I always do a fresh install. I found two nice projects that helped me in my task to recover my login and passwords : - password exporter (for Firefox) : - GNOME Keyring XML Import/Export Library (for all my gnome applications using keyring) : I'll come back later on my feeling about Fedora 9, let's use it a bit...


I bought the Gnu Linux Magazine / France on Mail server but it was a big disillusion :( Usually those magazines are very nice and full of good tips and tricks. But not this time, I was expecting to find a lot of tools to fight spams... but the only topic related is MailScanner (which is a very good product that I use daily). The only MTA reviewed is exim, nothing about postfix, sendmail, qmail... for a special number it's a bit too few. The first 19 pages (of 70) are only related of theory rfc's and mime, maybe too much... Something I regret too is that at the end of the magazine there are articles about Xen, Zone0 and Jabber, I think the following topics would be nicer : - greylisting - sare - mailwatch (very nice frontend for mailscanner) - ocr for spams So nothing really new in that magazine, my notation is 3/10

Gnome gvfs a step behind ?

Today I had a bad surprise, at one customer, deploying Linux on desktop, they had some issues with samba shares access: no more shortcuts in places menu for the samba shares. This was due to the update of ubuntu from gusty to hardy. The problem is that now nautilus 2.22 is provided and this release use gvfs instead of gnome-vfs. Before that upgrade we decided to add some "share access" via gconf, this was perfect as it was added in /etc/profile. example : gconftool-2 --set --type=string /desktop/gnome/connected_servers/1/display_name 'public on samba' gconftool-2 --set --type=string /desktop/gnome/connected_servers/1/icon 'gnome-fs-smb' gconftool-2 --set --type=string /desktop/gnome/connected_servers/1/uri "smb://domain;$USERNAME@samba/public" This is not more possibe :'-( Ok let's try then to use bookmarks... but the problem is that the login is not used even if forced when the share is also public. The customer use a big public folder and acl's. So the only solution I had was to setup the share with
 public = no
to make it works and request a login and password. For massive desktop implementation, I preferred the gconf medthod. Maybe somebody could hack gvfs to force a user even on a public share.

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.