Jeudis du Libre – Mons

Yesterday I was invited to speak at the “Jeudis du Libre” in Mons. The location was very special as it was in one auditorium of Polytech, the oldest university in the city of Mons. I presented in French two very…
Yesterday I was invited to speak at the “Jeudis du Libre” in Mons. The location was very special as it was in one auditorium of Polytech, the oldest university in the city of Mons. I presented in French two very…
Earlier this week, MySQL Shell 1.08 has been released. This is the first Release Candidate of this major piece of MySQL InnoDB Cluster. Some commands have been changed and some new ones were added. For example the following useful commands…
The documentation states that “For a transaction to commit, the majority of the group have to agree on the order of a given transaction in the global sequence of transactions.” This means that as soon as the majority of nodes…
After some feedback we received from early adopters or discussions during events like FOSDEM, I realized that there is some misconception about the type of replication that MySQL Group Replication is using. And even experts can be confused as Vadim’s…
Let’s finish these pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day Sessions reviews with Kenny Gryp‘s talk on MySQL Group Replication. Kenny is working at Percona as MySQL Practice Manager. Group Replication went Generally Available end of 2016, it introduces a (virtually) ‘synchronous’ active:active multi-master…
As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.
You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.