Category General

Happy Blog Day !

Today (I still have 34 mins), it's the Worldwide Blog Day, so let's wish an happy blog day to my dear blog ;-)

I'll try to be more active on you dear blog... but time is time and there is only 24 hours into a day...

So cya soon....

Getting Things Done

After having listened to "Comme un Lundi" on pureFM(1) dedicated on the personal management method called GTD, I decided to search for an OSS project that could help me to start with that method. This method is also used to remove some stress using the mindsweep concept. But for more details about the method itself follow the links on Fr

Extend your firefox with a new feature

After you try'll it, this features will become essential !

Viamatic foXpose by Vivek Jishtu permits to view all the browser windows (and tabs) with a single click on the icon in the status bar or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + X

Many other nice extensions are available for firefox, I use for example the following extensions :

  • Web Developer
  • SwitchProxy Tool
  • FlashGot
  • Tabbrowser Preferences

foXpose download


Open-Xchange impressions…

I've implemented last week an Open-Xchange Server and here is my feeling about it :

OX rocks !! ;-)

It's a very nice product, very complete and usefull. It works also without any problem with lookout(tm)... and this is pitty... it works much better with a close source client than an open source one :(

The administration part is also a problem for users that are not the best friends of command line tools and ldap.

During this installation ldapvi was my best friend ! And I also wrote a patch, a new command line tool and a text based admin interface : oxadmin (0.2 and only in french for the moment)

Those are in available at my contributions page

Is M$ changing his point of view ?

Since new versions of Windope, it seems that it's now impossible to try to maintain his (their... check sdog's blog ;-) ) machine without using the..... COMMAND LINE !

Yes !

And much more now... the pseudo OS that tryed to ban the cmdline... now even adopted for shell : M$H !

The idea (behind Monad) is easy: Build a decent, programmable, scriptable shell language/facility. MSH is a combination of the command line abilities of a BASH shell, the richness of a programming language like Perl or Ruby, combined with the rigor and common sense of .NET

Where's gonna go the world ??

But once again we can see that M$ doesn't invent... they copy !

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.