Category Devel

Nagios JBoss Check

As I had to monitor some JBoss servers and as there are some memory leaks in the program, the monitoring in Nagios of the Garbage Collector is very important. I've found some jmx script on JBoss wiki, but I was not happy with it. So I rewrite it to use with the attributes I needed.

I had also to modify to remove the logging capability (that was causing permission error) :

# diff
> # removed to avoid log file JBOSS_CLASSPATH="$JBOSS_CLASSPATH:$JBOSS_HOME/client/log4j.jar"

Those are the nrpe test I implemented :

# check Perm Gen
command[check_jbosspem]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_jbosspem 4 jboss.system:type=ServerInfo listMemoryPools "Perm Gen" 70 90

# check Old Gen (Heap Memory)
command[check_jbossoldgen]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_jbosspem 4 jboss.system:type=ServerInfo listMemoryPools "Old Gen" 85 95

wascii add-on

Since the beginning of the week I'm using wascii from Dag Wieers, I'm very happy with it but something was really missing for a power daily use : a search function !

So yesterday night I wrote that search add-on using Zend Framework. It perfroms a fulltext search using Lucene.

This is a screenshot :

Perl Binary

Raskas asked me a question about the creation off a binary Perl script.

The goal of this was to run a Perl script on a machine where Perl is not installed.

perlcc should be our friend... but some dependencies were still giving troubles, so I tried to find another solution, here is a summary of my small research :

first, the Perl script's source (Copyright fred... but in GPL !) :

Bad day for PHP programming

Desperate PHP developer... that's what I am today... why ?

Due to an ugly PHP bug with PHP provided with FC6 (maybe on other distributions too). I already spent some time to find that it was a bug, previously I was using sqlite with the sqlite PHP functions, but since I use the FC6, to have the support of sqlite, PDO must be used... so I did !

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.