Category CentOS

openERP spec files

As requested by Pieter, here are the spec files I used to create the openERP rpms for fedora and centos.

As some packages have different names or different user management commands, I need two different spec files for same pakages in each distro.

(only the client can be the same)

I wait for your feedback

Wanna test openERP on Fedora or CentOS ?


If you want to test the latest version of openERP (5.0.6) on Fedora 12 or CentOS 5, you can try the package available on inuits repo (some other packages for other projects will be available too) :-)

Those packages are still in development, don't hesitate to send me feedback.

How to setup the repository :

edit /etc/yum.repos.d/inuits.repo with (for Fedora):

 name=RPM Inuits repository Fedora $releasever

Don't forget to import the GPG key (you can find it here

 rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-inuits

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

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