Recently (yesterday), I faced a problem with percona-playback when I tried to use a slow query log (captured on a customer's server) and it fails dramatically. The log files was 2.3G and the second query was already returning an error :-(
I seemed that I hit a bug that Aurimas, my colleague at Percona, already reported (
bug 1035217): queries written on multi lines don't work !
My C++ knowledge is very old and also very limited, so I tried to understand and fix this issue myself. Mushu (
dbasquare) already faced this problem and started to fix it before giving up as he needed to run it on Slowaris... Gently he sent me his patch that I modified to support my slow query log:
- queries on multi-lines
- queries being only a ; (semi-colon)
- queries finishing by another character than ; (with comments for example)
Attached to this post, you can find the rpm for CentOS 6 including that patch.