Centos on MacPro… nice error messages

I was trying to install Centos on a MacPro... these are some nice funny error message I received to encourage me to not give up ;-)
I was trying to install Centos on a MacPro... these are some nice funny error message I received to encourage me to not give up ;-)
This a bit a late entry but I was so busy with holidays, new job and the announce of a future new GNU/Linux user (for april, see his/her blog).
So I was in Cambridge for the LinuxConf Europe 2007 from 1st to 5th September.
The conferences were very nice, the level of the technical talks was high and I appreciated it :-)
This blog entry is only some miscellaneous fun from my SambaXP expedition ;-)
The following pictures illustrate my multi-tasks capacity, I'm working very hard while reading my new PHP5 book :
Something I was very surprise was to find some Apollinaris water, I thing it was close to 15 years that I didn't drink/see any, so I had to take a shot of it :
And with the last beer of yesterday night, I present my colleague Stijn :
We arrived both at the same conclusion : Belgian Beers are really the best !
This is the second episode of the day, it doesn't require any comment :
As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.
You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.