Tag Fun_75

Add your favorite webradio in Rhythmbox

If like me you like to listen radio while working on your computer but you don't like to have it open on a webpage. And if you find very useful the way how rhythmbox mutes itself when you get a call, you need then to add your radio in your favourite audio program.

The problem is that it's not always obvious to find the url to use for the radio media.

So this is how to proceed:

  • you need to install ngrep
  • run it like this :
       ngrep -d p3p1 -lqi -p -W none ^get\|^post tcp dst port 80

    (-d p3p1 is used to specify the interface if you have multiple choices)

  • open in your browser the page you use to listen the radio usually
  • find the stream you are looking for in ngrep's output:
  • add it to rhythmbox and you are done ;)

April 1st

My contribution to this heavy day for our rss readers is:

The April's Fool Centipede !

    .:/          .:/           .:/            
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  ''\\\\\'" ';\''\\\\\'" ';\''\\\\\'" ';\ 

beware, don't believe all news today :)

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.