the MySQL Team in Austin, TX

If you registerd for our tutorial, please come with a laptop able to run 3 VirtualBox VMs that you can install from a USB stick. So please make free some disk space and install the latest Virtualbox on your system.…
If you registerd for our tutorial, please come with a laptop able to run 3 VirtualBox VMs that you can install from a USB stick. So please make free some disk space and install the latest Virtualbox on your system.…
For the third year in a row, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our MySQL Engineers during FOSDEM to organize the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day. The program of this 3rd edition is already on track, thank you to…
As you know, one of the great new feature in MySQL 8.0 is the Document Store. Now with MySQL you can store your JSON documents in collections and manage them using CRUD operations. NoSQL is now part of MySQL !…
As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.
You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.