Testing MySQL Database Service without VPN

Please note that this is not recommended for any production purpose, don’t expose MySQL traffic to the Internet ! MySQL Database Service is now available, take a look at this nice introduction video:
Please note that this is not recommended for any production purpose, don’t expose MySQL traffic to the Internet ! MySQL Database Service is now available, take a look at this nice introduction video:
I wanted to be brave and I installed MySQL Group Replication manually…. it was painful ! Then I realized that managing those servers and especially deal with MySQL Routers was even more painful ! What are my options now ?…
In MySQL 8.0.21, we can see who and how mysqld was stopped and when the process ended. Let’s have a look at different scenarios in this article. SHUTDOWN SQL statement The first test is to initiate the shutdown of MySQL…
Today is a good day for me. Today I tweeted that MySQL after 25 years is still GPL and same for all important components: the server, the shell, the router, the clone plugin, workbench ! To be honest, Oracle has…
In the previous post, we setup a Drupal website with MySQL as backend on a different compute instance in a different subnet. Today we will increase the High Availability of our Database by transforming this single MySQL instance into a…
As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.
You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.