Jeudis du Libre – Mons

Yesterday I was invited to speak at the “Jeudis du Libre” in Mons. The location was very special as it was in one auditorium of Polytech, the oldest university in the city of Mons. I presented in French two very…
Yesterday I was invited to speak at the “Jeudis du Libre” in Mons. The location was very special as it was in one auditorium of Polytech, the oldest university in the city of Mons. I presented in French two very…
FOSDEM 2017 is over, I brought back home the flu…. but hopefully not only ! Indeed this 2017 edition was very rewarding. We started our FOSDEM with a “fringe” : pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day where we highlighted MySQL 8.0 new features…
Let’s finish these pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day Sessions reviews with Kenny Gryp‘s talk on MySQL Group Replication. Kenny is working at Percona as MySQL Practice Manager. Group Replication went Generally Available end of 2016, it introduces a (virtually) ‘synchronous’ active:active multi-master…
One of the talk will replaced in the schedule by a panel discussion moderated by Morgan Tocker on MySQL Group Replication & MySQL 8.0. The panel list will be composed of These experts will answer questions…
Let’s finish this pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day Sessions review week with Norvald Ryeng‘s talk on MySQL 8.0 and GIS. As you know pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day will take place on Friday February 3rd in Brussels. During this day dedicated to MySQL and…
As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.
You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.