Have a nice MySQL Season Holidays

I wish you all the best for this end of 2018 and of course a nice start of 2019’s edition ! For the best possible start of 2019, I already invite you to these different events where I will have…
I wish you all the best for this end of 2018 and of course a nice start of 2019’s edition ! For the best possible start of 2019, I already invite you to these different events where I will have…
For the third year in a row, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our MySQL Engineers during FOSDEM to organize the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day. The program of this 3rd edition is already on track, thank you to…
Happy New Year everybody ! All your wishes should come true with 2018.0 ! As announced previously in this post, this year we will have the second edition of the MySQL Day just before FOSDEM. All speakers confirmed their talk…
As last year, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our engineers during FOSDEM to organize a MySQL Day once again. The Agenda is not yet known, but save the date and schedule your trip to Brussels keeping…
FOSDEM 2017 is over, I brought back home the flu…. but hopefully not only ! Indeed this 2017 edition was very rewarding. We started our FOSDEM with a “fringe” : pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day where we highlighted MySQL 8.0 new features…
As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.
You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.