Author on Oracle MySQL Blog

You may have noticed, I started to blog also on the official Oracle MySQL Blog. When I will do so, I will also publish my articles on after a short delay. I really invite you to follow the official…
You may have noticed, I started to blog also on the official Oracle MySQL Blog. When I will do so, I will also publish my articles on after a short delay. I really invite you to follow the official…
With this post we are reaching the end of our journey to HA for WordPress & MySQL 8.0 on OCI. If you have not read the two previous articles, this is just the right time. MySQL 8.0 InnoDB ReplicaSet with…
This article is the second part of our journey to WordPress and MySQL 8.0 High Availability on OCI. The first part can be read here. We ended part I with one webserver hosting WordPress. This WordPress was connecting locally to…
Today’s article is again related to WordPress and MySQL 8.0. We will see how we can setup MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet and configure WordPress to split the load using both MySQL Instances: we will split reads and writes between the Primary…
Let’s continue our series of using OCI to install popular Open Source programs with MySQL 8.0. After WordPress, Drupal, it’s not the Moodle’s turn!
As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.
You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.