Tag MySQL_70

new professional perspective

For nearly 4 years, I invested myself in the growth of Inuits.

At the beginning we were 5 to believe in this project and now,
4 years afterwards, Inuits has become the Belgian reference in the world
of open-source consultancy companies.

We started in Flanders, then in Wallonia with Esquimaux and now in
the Netherlands with Eskimo (and I think it won't stop there).

Having the feeling of the achieved duty, I had opportunity of working
for a company which, for me, represents most the open-source point
of views, of technical excellence and the opportunity to spend more time with my family.

I was honored when Percona showed interest in me and I thus decided
for that new challenge! -- thanks to all my friends/former
colleagues/collaborators who played the role of references ;-) --

I whish good luck to all my colleagues of Inuits/Esquimaux,
I appreciate them very much. They can always count on me if
they need help and I hope to see them all at Fosdem and other
free software or devops conferences !!

I'm also always available for a drink or for sushi's :-)

I also really appreciated the 10 years collaboration in open-source
I shared with Kris Buytaert (sdog)

June 16th will be my first day in my new position !

Percona here I come ;-)

MySQL facter

Yesterday I started to play with mcollective

I added some agents like service and facter.

I really liked the facter agent.... and then I decided to add facts for MySQL.
Of course I needed to learn some ruby first :-)

A fact is created for the version and all other MySQL facts come from the SHOW STATUS statement.

All the new facts start by mysql_

I plan to add new facts related to the replication like Seconds_Behind_Master

The current version is available on github here

Some usage examples:

with facter:

[root@delvaux facter]# facter mysql_version 2>/dev/null
[root@delvaux facter]# facter mysql_max_used_connections 2>/dev/null

with mcollective:

[root@delvaux facter]# mc-facts mysql_version
Report for fact: mysql_version

        5.0.51a-24+lenny5-log                   found 1 times
        5.5.10                                  found 1 times

Finished processing 2 / 2 hosts in 64.36 ms

[root@delvaux facter]# mc-facts mysql_open_files
Report for fact: mysql_open_files

        16                                      found 1 times
        18                                      found 1 times

Finished processing 2 / 2 hosts in 2418.13 ms

[root@delvaux facter]# mc-facts mysql_open_files -v
Determining the amount of hosts matching filter for 2 seconds .... 2
Report for fact: mysql_open_files

        16                                      found 1 times


        18                                      found 1 times


---- rpc stats ----
           Nodes: 2 / 2
     Pass / Fail: 0 / 0
      Start Time: Sat Apr 02 00:11:46 +0200 2011
  Discovery Time: 2001.84ms
      Agent Time: 1344.24ms
      Total Time: 3346.08ms

[root@delvaux facter]# mc-facts mysql_threads_connected 
Report for fact: mysql_threads_connected

        2                                       found 2 times

Finished processing 2 / 2 hosts in 3270.86 ms

[root@delvaux facter]# mc-facts mysql_threads_connected -v
Determining the amount of hosts matching filter for 2 seconds .... 2
Report for fact: mysql_threads_connected

        2                                       found 2 times


---- rpc stats ----
           Nodes: 2 / 2
     Pass / Fail: 0 / 0
      Start Time: Sat Apr 02 00:12:47 +0200 2011
  Discovery Time: 2001.73ms
      Agent Time: 50.43ms
      Total Time: 2052.15ms

High Availability Open-Xchange Server

Since I tested it 4 years ago, I like Open-Xchange (even if I'm not a java app fan). I like the layout and also all the feature it provides. The calendar is very complete.
For a customer where I set it up 4 years ago, I've migrated this service to a cluster running the last version.
The machines are fully installed via kickstart from a pxeboot (using cobbler)

This post describes the solution. The setup is based on CentOS and use the pair corosync / pacemaker as cluster.

The solution consists in two nodes where only one machine provides the service.

The components are :

- one ip balancing between the two nodes
- apache running on the "active/master" server (the server providing the service)
- open-xchange running on one node at the time
- funambol running on one node at the time
- openldap running on both machines in mirroring
- cyrus running on both machines as master/slave
- mysql running on both machines as master/master replication.

This is an overview of the crm:

Most of the needed steps are put in some puppet recipes to help the provisioning (you can find them on my github account)

With the cyrus-imapd delivered by default on redhat/centos, when the cyrus master starts without the slave running, cyrus won't reply for a long time... the bug we are hitting here as been resolved in newer version. I use cyrus-imapd 2.4.6, package from Simon Matter. You can find the source of this package here

MySQL & Friends Meetup at Fosdem 2011

Like last year I'll be present at the MySQL & Friends Meetup on Saturday evening of the Fosdem.

If you wanna share some experience around MySQL, please join !

You can register here

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.