The preFOSDEM MySQL Belgian Days 2025 will occur at the usual place (ICAB Incubator, Belgium, 1040 Bruxelles) on Thursday, January 30th, and Friday, January 31st, just before FOSDEM.
Again this year, we will have the chance to have incredible sessions from our Community and the opportunity to meet some MySQL Engineers from Oracle.
DimK will be back in Belgium to talk about scalability problems. Norvald, a familiar face, will introduce us to a new optimizer: hypergraph.
This year, we will also have the opportunity to meet Harin Vadodaria, security lead in the MySQL Engineering team. Harin will, of course, cover the latest security enhancements to the MySQL Server.
From the Community, I’m also very happy to announce excellent sessions from Oracle ACEs for MySQL and MySQL Rockstars.
The MySQL Belgian Days are a unique opportunity to meet such great MySQL professionals and developers.
We will finish these two days dedicated to MySQL with the MySQL Rockstars Awards Ceremony and a book signing session by the different authors who will be present.
And we won’t forget to celebrate the 30th anniversary of our favorite database!
Day 1 – Thursday, 30 January: the MySQL Community Day
Start | Stop | Title | Speakers |
09:00:00 AM | 09:30:00 AM | Coffee & Welcome | Coffee & Welcome |
09:30:00 AM | 10:00:00 AM | Simplest way to masquerade logical backups | David Ducos |
10:00:00 AM | 10:30:00 AM | Stop Throwing Hardware at the Problem: The Case for Smarter Scaling with Query Caching. | Marcelo Altmann / Tanmay Sinha |
10:35:00 AM | 11:05:00 AM | How I Broke MySQL and Wrote A Book About It | Lukas Vileikis |
11:10:00 AM | 12:15:00 PM | Atomic Distributed Transactions in Vitess | Harshit Gangal, Manan Gupta |
12:20:00 PM | 01:20:00 PM | Lunch | Lunch |
01:20:00 PM | 01:50:00 PM | The powerful toolset of the go-mysql library | Daniël van Eeden |
01:55:00 PM | 02:25:00 PM | From Pitfalls to Best Practices of running MySQL on K8s | Mohamed Wadie NSIRI |
02:30:00 PM | 03:00:00 PM | War story: removing offensive language from Percona Toolkit | Sveta Smirnova |
03:00:00 PM | 03:30:00 PM | MySQL is 30 | MySQL is 30 |
03:30:00 PM | 04:00:00 PM | MySQL is 30 | MySQL is 30 |
04:05:00 PM | 04:35:00 PM | ProxySQL: Supercharge Your MySQL Performance | René Cannaò & Rahim Kanji |
04:40:00 PM | 05:10:00 PM | 17 Things Developers need to know about MySQL | Peter Zaitsev |
05:15:00 PM | 05:45:00 PM | MySQL Community Edition at CERN | Abel Cabezas Alonso |
05:45:00 PM | 06:15:00 PM | Replicating MySQL to ClickHouse | Arnaud Adant |
06:15:00 PM | End of the Day | End of the Day |
Day 2 – Friday, 31 January: the MySQL Team Day
Start | Stop | Title | Speaker |
09:00:00 AM | 09:30:00 AM | Coffee | Coffee |
09:30:00 AM | 10:00:00 AM | MySQL, Node, & Testcontainers – Testing Done Right | Scott Stroz |
10:00:00 AM | 11:05:00 AM | Overview Scalability problem | Dimitri K |
11:10:00 AM | 11:40:00 AM | The MySQL Hypergraph Optimizer – What, Why & How | Norvald Ryeng |
11:45:00 AM | 12:15:00 PM | A Deep Dive Into MySQL HeatWave Architecture & Optimizations | Cagri Balkesen |
12:20:00 PM | 01:20:00 PM | Lunch | Lunch |
01:20:00 PM | 02:25:00 PM | InnoDB and Primary Keys: the session where everybody learns something | lefred |
02:30:00 PM | 03:00:00 PM | Hidden Gems in MySQL Shell | Scott Stroz |
03:00:00 PM | 03:30:00 PM | Coffee | Coffee |
03:30:00 PM | 04:00:00 PM | MySQL HeatWave Lakehouse: Analytics at the Speed of Thought | Cagri Balkesen |
04:05:00 PM | 04:35:00 PM | TBD about MySQL HeatWave GenAI | Milos Vasic |
04:40:00 PM | 05:10:00 PM | Enhancements in MySQL Server Security | Harin Vadodaria |
05:15:00 PM | 05:45:00 PM | From blog post to GenAI using OCI | lefred |
05:15:00 PM | 05:45:00 PM | MySQL Rockstars Ceremony Awards | MySQL Rockstars Ceremony Awards |
05:50:00 PM | 06:20:00 PM | Books signing Session | Books signing Session |
06:20:00 PM | End of the Day | End of the Day |
As you can see, the agenda has not yet been finalized as we are still waiting for some speaker’s confirmation.
Registration is mandatory for this free event, but please register only if you attend, as seats are limited.
The famous Community Dinner will also be on Friday night, and registration is mandatory!
The MySQL Team (Community and Engineers) will also be available at FOSDEM during the weekend. We will have a stand, UA2-8, and the MySQL Devroom will take place on Sunday in H.1301.
We hope to see many of you there to celebrate these 30 years together.