Pre-Fosdem’17 MySQL Day

This year, I’ve the honor to organize just before the FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Devroom an extra pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day. This MySQL Day will take place the Friday just before FOSDEM’s week-end.

During that day, we will highlight MySQL 8.0 new features but not only.

Oracle’s MySQL Community Team is sponsoring this event. Seating is limited, so please register.

The event is free and the location is the same as the very popular MySQL & Friends Community Dinner.

You can register now on eventbrite.

This is the agenda:

Start End Event Speaker Company Topic

Friday 3rd February

09:30 10:00 Welcome !
10:00 10:25 MySQL 8.0: Server Defaults – An overview of what settings have changed or are under consideration Morgan Tocker Oracle MySQL 8.0
10:30 10:55 MySQL 8.0: Unicode – What, why and how Bernt Marius Johnsen Oracle MySQL 8.0
11:00 11:25 MySQL 8.0: Common Table Expressions (CTEs) Øystein Grøvlen Oracle MySQL 8.0
11:30 11:55 Group Replication Kenny Gryp Percona Group Replication
12:05 12:30 How avoids and deals with replication lag Jean-François Gagné Replication
12:30 13:15 Lunch
13:15 14:10 MySQL for Beginners – Getting Basics Right Peter Zaitsev Percona MySQL
14:15 14:40 MySQL 8.0: Window functions – finally! Dag H. Wanvik Oracle MySQL 8.0
14:45 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 15:25 Using Optimizer Hints to Improve MySQL Query Performance Øystein Grøvlen Oracle MySQL 8.0
15:30 15:45 Monitoring without looking at MySQL Jean-François Gagné Fun, Sport, Not-MySQL
15:50 16:15 What you wanted to know about your MySQL Server instance, but could not find using internal instrumentation only Sveta Smirnova Percona Troubleshooting
16:20 16:45 ProxySQL Use Case Scenarios Alkin Percona ProxySQL
16:50 17:15 MySQL 8.0: GIS – Are you ready ? Norvald H. Ryeng Oracle MysQL 8.0

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As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.