If you use MySQL Shell for Visual Studio Code, using a bastion host is the easiest method to connect to a MySQL HeatWave DB Instance on OCI.
If you already have a connection setup using a bastion to host, you may experience the same problem as me, MySQL Shell complains about an invalid fingerprint detected:

This error has nothing to do with the fingerprint of your user OCI Key. The problem is related to the key of your bastion host as you can see in the output window:

This happens if you have changed your bastion host for example.
To resolve the problem, remove the current ssh host key for the bastion host stored in your know_hosts
$ ssh-keygen -R "host.bastion.us-ashburn-1.oci.oraclecloud.com"
Use the name of your bastion host of course.

When done, it’s already fixed, you can connect back to your MySQL HeatWave DB Instance using MySQL Shell for Visual Studio Code.