MySQL 8.0 – Operations and Optimization (in Chinese)

Today I would share a nice book related to MySQL 8.0 for our Chinese users.

The original title of this book by Scott Yao, is MySQL 8.0 运维与优化

I had the chance to read parts of the book before it was published to have my comment on the back cover.

This book is very detailed with many examples on how to administer a MySQL server.
It covers the new features of MySQL 8.0 and Scott illustrates perfectly how to take advantage of them.

Reading the book, it is obvious that the author is an experienced MySQL DBA and is sharing his experience that many junior DBAs can certainly benefit from.

This is a very technical book, as I like, I really recommend it to all Chinese people and I hope to see it translated into English too.

And finally I would thanks Scott for having sent to me a hard signed copy of the book.

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  1. I like the Chinese idiom Scott wrote for you in the book: still water runs deep, together we strive forward!

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