How to deploy a MySQL Database Service Instance with PHPMyAdmin

I recently received several messages from developers not being comfortable with command line when they need to create schemas, tables, … They were asking me for an easy alternative when testing MDS.

There is a very popular tool in the developer community to manage their databases in MySQL: PHPMyAdmin.

So if you are trying MDS (MySQL Database Service in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure), it’s possible to deploy such instance with a compute instance hosting PHPMyAdmin very easily using OCI’s Resource Manager and a stack (zip file) that you can find here:

If you want to try MDS in OCI, you can get free credits using this url:

Check this video to see this in action:

As you can see, it’s easy and straight forward.

But please don’t forget that opening the database to the World (or MySQL Router to the Internet), is very dangerous and not recommended !

My next short post will show you a better option to manage your MDS instance remotely without security risks!

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  1. Hello Sir,

    I watched your video thanks for posting these useful things.

    I have one question. I have an oracle cloud account and I created one instance for my project which i have to built-in PHP LAMP Server.[Compute Instances]. I have installed LAMP [Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP] on centos 7.

    Second, I want to use Oracle Cloud Database/Mysql Database which I want to link with PHPMYADMIN. I have created DBS and it’s active.

    I want to connect PHPMYADMIN database with the DBS of oracle cloud.

    I hope you understand my point.

    Thank you so much in advance.


    • Hi vimal,
      I don’t really understand your question.
      If you have PHPMyAdmin running on the compute instance, if you have created the security list, you should be able to configure PHPMyAdmin to connect to your MDS instance too.

      • if I use the MySQL DB System using the endpoint Private IP Address.
        In CWP panel PHPMYADMIN Database and add above IP address in Hostname is it work?

        I have CWP access to connect with PHPMYADMIN but this PHPMYADMIN is not linked with MDS.

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