We are pleased to announce the Call for Participation (CfP) for the FOSDEM 2025 MySQL Devroom. The Devroom will be held on February 2 (Sunday), 2025 in Brussels, Belgium. The submission deadline for talk proposals is December 1, 2024.
FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas, and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in
The MySQL Devroom aims to provide a dedicated space for presentations covering the most popular open source database and celebrate the 30th anniversary of MySQL.
Key dates
- Proposals can be submitted by October the 30th, 2024
- Submission deadline: 1st December 2024 Brussels time
- Announcement of the selection committee: 20th of November 2024
- Announcement of selected talks: 15th of December 2024
- Conference dates: 1 & 2 February 2025
- MySQL devroom date: Sunday February 2nd, 2025 afternoon (second half)
General details
- The default duration for talks is 25 minutes including discussion (20 + 5).
- If you plan to register your proposal in several tracks to increase your chances, don’t! Register your talk once, in the most accurate track.
- There will be a fringe event, the preFOSDEM MySQL Belgian Days (January 30 and 31), and submitted talks may also be accepted for this event.
- The MySQL devroom is subject to the same code of conduct as FOSDEM (see below).
For accepted talks
- You will receive an email to tell you that we accept your proposal
- Expect additional emails with more instructions
For rejected talks
- As you can see the amount of tracks is minimal, however, rejected talks have a chance to be selected for the preFOSDEM MySQL Belgian Days.
- In any case, you will receive an email.
Desirable topics
The MySQL devroom aims to host talks about MySQL and connected projects.
The talks can cover the following subjects:
- Developer talks (developer using MySQL)
- Developer talks (developer hacking MySQL)
- Ops and DBA talks
- Tooling around MySQL
Marketing or closed source software talks won’t be accepted. Keep in mind FOSDEM’s spirit
when submitting a session. “Hackier is better” 😉
Submit a talk
The Pretalx system will be open for applications from October the 30th, 2024.
Visit the FOSDEM 2025 Pretalx website (see account creation below).
Your submission must include the following information:
- The title and subtitle of your talk (please be descriptive, as titles will be listed with ~500 from other projects)
- Select “MySQL” as the track
- Select “Talk” event type
- A short abstract of one paragraph
- A longer description if you wish to do so
- Links to related websites / blogs / github / …

Account creation:
If you already have a Pentabarf/Pretalx account, please don’t create a new
one in Pretalx.
To reset your password, go to Pretalx front page and ask for a password reset.
Contact Us
- Follow us on X: @mysql_community
- Follow us on Mastodon: @MySQL_Community@fosstodon.org
- Blog of the devroom: https://www.mysqlandfriends.eu/
FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.
- FOSDEM is free to attend. There is no registration.
- FOSDEM website
- FOSDEM code of conduct
This announcement can be found at:
- https://www.mysqlandfriends.eu/fosdem-2025-mysql-devroom-call-for-participation
- https://lefred.be/fosdem-2025-mysql-devroom-call-for-participation
- https://blogs.oracle.com/mysql/post/fosdem-2025-mysql-devroom-call-for-participation