Another dream comes true

Since long time I was wishing to have a full ssh access through the Web.
I did some research long time ago and sodg pointed me to java applet (shell-in-a-box) but I didn't really like it but it was better than nothing.

Finally I took some time (5mins) to search for a new solution and I found what makes me so happy : ajaxterm !!

Ajaxterm is a python script running on a remote server where you can configure optionally an apache (or using a reverse proxy) to access it.
I definitely advise to use an SSL layer and to use a web authentication. If you run ajaxterm from root the login command will be started but you can always specify another one.

As you can see I'll be able to follow my irc chats everywhere ;)

Since long time I was wishing to have a full ssh access through the Web.
I did some research long time ago and sodg pointed me to java applet (shell-in-a-box) but I didn’t really like it but it was better than nothing.

Finally I took some time (5mins) to search for a new solution and I found what makes me so happy : ajaxterm !!

Ajaxterm is a python script running on a remote server where you can configure optionally an apache (or using a reverse proxy) to access it.
I definitely advise to use an SSL layer and to use a web authentication. If you run ajaxterm from root the login command will be started but you can always specify another one.

As you can see I’ll be able to follow my irc chats everywhere 😉

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  1. Are you running ajaxterm under Fedora-7?
    I’ve tried, but can’t setup httpd properly.
    I’d be really grateful to see your httpd conf files,
    and any other information to get ajaxterm running.

  2. I never tried on Fedora-7 but only on Centos, as soon as I have more time for F7, I’ll try and post my configuration (if it works) here.

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