I spend in average 1/6 of a day on in my car ! With all the disadvantages of that : backache, stress and the most… wasting my time 🙁
I’ve tried to leave at every hour, early morning :
late :
always with the same result :
and it’s the same to come back from work, early :
or late :
I spend 2 hours to make those 100km that splits home form work. The bad point in Belgium is that if you want to join point A to point B you ALWAYS need to pass through point R0 => Brussels Ring !!
And it’s the same on the East or the West side of it :
When will our Minister of Immobility try to find some solutions ??
The only good point is that if cars interest you, you can see some nice one :
but the better point is that these (flash) are not annoying you :
The only two solutions I found are :
- leaving home at 5h40 to drive only 50 minutes
- go with my motorbike but it’s expensive and not every time possible 🙁
Thanks to raskas for this picture 😉