Percona Playback rpm for CentOS

If you have recently read Stewart's blog post on mysqlperformanceblog, related to Percona Playback and you wanted to test it but you were too lame^H^H^H^Hbusy to compile it (or it was just not an option), I've made an CentOS 6 rpm just for you ;-)

I hope this helps !

PS: those packages have not been tested yet but you can replace mysql-libs by Percona-Server-shared-compat

If you have recently read Stewart’s blog post on mysqlperformanceblog, related to Percona Playback and you wanted to test it but you were too lame^H^H^H^Hbusy to compile it (or it was just not an option), I’ve made an CentOS 6 rpm just for you 😉

I hope this helps !

PS: those packages have not been tested yet but you can replace mysql-libs by Percona-Server-shared-compat

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