Category Tips and tricks

Puppet and 64bits packages

Since I use puppet to manage my machines (and the machines of customers), I noticed that I had more packages installed then before, I noticed also obviously the same behavior in packages to update and bandwidth consumption during updates. I realize that on 64bits machines, most of the time, the 32bits version of the packages managed by puppet were also installed. This is what I did in my recipes before:
    package { "corosync":
        ensure => "installed",
        require => Yumrepo["clusterlabs"];
This kind of package declaration installed then the two version of the package, in this case corosync and the dependencies too. To avoid this I added the fact hardwaremodel and used the alias to keep my recipes consistent:
    package { "corosync.$hardwaremodel":
        ensure => "installed",
        alias => "corosync",
        require => Yumrepo["clusterlabs"];
Hope this could help people having noticed the same behavior... or not :-)

tomcat6 with APR on RHEL5.5

The other day at $CLIENT I had to install a webapp that needed tomcat6 and I found it was quite a hassle to install a packaged version on a 32bits RedHat RHEL 5.5. During that painful process, lefred helped finding the magic package that solved it all so I felt it was only fair for me to publish the complete solution as a guest post on his blog!

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.