Tag MySQL_70

replication-booster and mysql-replication-listener rpm’s

As I wanted to test in my vagrant environment Yoshinori's MySQL replication booster, I needed to create rpms to be able to install it quickly and easily on those virtual machine without compiling it on the vm's.

So if you are interested in this nice replication solution and you are lazy to compile it, you can use my rpm's listed bellow.

Some links about the project:

mysql replication listener's rpm was built using modified specs from https://bitbucket.org/winebarrel/ruby-binlog/downloads


I added the src.rpm as requested by nvidhive on #percona freenode.

sysbench 0.5 for CentOS 6

During my work I sometimes need to perform some benchmarks. I usually use sysbench. The version provided in EPEL for CentOS is old and I wanted to benefit from all the new features of the latest version from launchpad maintained by my colleague Alexey. But as I don't want to install bzr and devel packages and then recompile each time, I decided to make an rpm. I think some people could find it useful so I share it. Enjoy !

[update] I made a new package that also includes the lua files for db tests.

[update] New package from last bzr trunk where bug related to --tx-rate has been fixed (requested by my colleague Jay for his Percona Live New York tutorial about XtraDB Cluster


Tomorrow I'll be at Loadays to discuss about Percona Toolkit

I hope to see you there if you want to discuss about Percona Toolkit or any other cool stuff Percona is working on related to HA like PRM and XtraDB Cluster.

Fosdem 2012 – Pictures

I already uploaded the pictures of Fosdem and especially the MySQL & Friends devroom:

Thank you to all visitors and speakers !

I hope you enjoyed it an see you next year !

As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.