MySQL Day Roma 2022 – review

The subtitle of this post could have been “Review of an awesome MySQL event”.

I’ve been invited by the MySQL Italian team to deliver a session about MySQL Shell during the MySQL Day in Roma. This was the very first in person event by MySQL Italy since the pandemic.

The amount of attendees was large and we could feel the emotion and the enthusiasm of the audience. Everybody enjoyed to finally be together again and discus about MySQL.

The day started with a MySQL Overview by Andra Cazacu. She was very emotionalized to see how the room was packed.

I was really great to see all those people smiling, I could feel that people were very happy to be present at this event.

The Show Runner

After Andra, it was already the turn of the Italian Star: “il grande Marco Carlessi” !

Marco presented the latest news in MySQL:

  • Multi Factor Authentication
  • New authentication methods in Enterprise Edition
  • Group and account profile in Enterprise Firewall
  • CIS Benchmark for MySQL Enterprise
  • MySQL Shell and Visual Studio Code extension
  • MySQL GIPK mode
  • MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet
  • MySQL Operator for Kubernetes
  • MySQL Shell Debugging and Diagnostics Utility that are very useful for customers when they need to open a support request 😉
  • New Redo Logs management
  • MySQL HeatWave

Marco also praised Alberto Clemente that was present for his contributions to the MySQL Operator:

Partners & Customers

The rest of the agenda was very interesting and included partner and customer sessions.

I was very pleased to see that two of my favorite topics were actually proposed by people outside the MySQL team:

  • MySQL Document Store by Alberto Clemente from Sisal
  • High Availability and Disaster Recovery with InnoDB Cluster and ClusterSet by Mirko Conte from Par-Tec

Before my own session. Massimo Rigo and Marco Alfonso from Reply Technology presented their use of the trending MySQL Operator for Kubernetes.

Finally, I had my presentation about MySQL Shell and MySQL Shell for Visual Studio Code.

We finished the day with a Q&A session with all the speakers before an excellent lunch with all the attendees.

This event was very positive, it was evident that people enjoyed to be there. The interaction with the attendees was great and we had very interesting questions,

A lot of people were very enthusiast about MySQL Document Store (as usual). We didn’t have time to present how to use it as Alberto Clemente described the architecture he implemented and its benefits. Therefore if you are interested, here is a presentation explaining the solution.

Let’s hope to have a new one more soon. Grazie Roma !

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As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

You can find articles I wrote on Oracle’s blog.