MySQL 8.0.28: thank you for the contributions

Last week, Jan 18th, we started 2022 with a new release of the MySQL Server suite (Router, Shell, Connectors, …).

MySQL is Open Source and each release contains contributions from our great Community. Let me thanks all the contributors on behalf of the entire MySQL Team: Thank you !

As Dave already mentioned already in his MySQL 8.0.28 Release Note Commentary post, this new version of MySQL includes contributions from Song Zhibai, Venkatesh Prasad Venugopal, Zheng Lai, Tingu Wei, Casa Zhang, Kevin Michel, our Øystein Grøvlen before his comeback, Tsubasa Tanaka, Brian Yue, Murakami Kohei, Casa Zhang, Hope Lee, Rahul Malik, Hobert Lu, Zhai Weixiang and Facebook.

Once again, thank you all for your great contributions and for some the company you are working for, Alibaba, Percona, Tencent, Facebook, …

Here is the list of the above contributions and related bugs:

Clients / Connectors

  • #104067 Connector / J – No reset autoCommit after unknown issue occurs – Tingyu Wei
  • #104598 Command-line Clients – Add prompt option to show transaction status – Murakami Kohei


  • #97742 – Bad item ref from correlated subquery to outer distinct table – Song Zhibai
  • #100859 – The results of aggregation on BIT type are inconsistent when join type differs – Hope Lee
  • #104108 – Cumulative frequency may grow over 1.0 due to float errors – Casa Zhang
  • #104186 – Too few chunk files are created for hybrid hash join – Øystein Grøvlen
  • #104918 – Derived condition pushdown rewrite ignores user variables – Casa Zhang
  • #105045 – Window function returns wrong result – Casa Zhang


  • #105380 – Result of GROUP_CONCAT is inconsistent when group_concat_max_len becomes larger – Hope Lee


  • #104721 – Fix multi-valued index – Yubao Liu

Performance Schema

  • a new statement metric has been added : CPU_TIME with the contribution of Facebook


  • #98495 – Timestamp is not set to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in mysql.tables_priv – Venkatesh Prasad Venugopal
  • #104423SHOW CREATE DATABASE fails with a role that has global level privilege – Tsubasa Tanaka


  • #105406 – MySQLbackup component doesn’t have purge interface – Rahul Malik


  • #103636 – Replica hangs with replica_preserve_commit_order On – Zhai Weixiang
  • #104153 – CREATE…SELECT statements break replication when ANSI mode is enabled – Kevin Michel
  • #private – Replication issue – Brian Yue


  • #101658 – Rollback segment can be initialized parallel – Zheng Lai
  • #104967 – The fuction buf_validate() affects performance seriously and can be optimized – suggestion from Hobert Lu

If you have patches and you also want to be part of the MySQL Contributors, it’s easy, you can send Pull Requests from MySQL’s GitHub repositories or send your patches on Bugs MySQL (signing the Oracle Contributor Agreement is required).

And don’t forget, that if you want to extend MySQL, the best way is to create a component. Now there is a complete series to learn how to start using the MySQL Component Infrastructure (part 1) !

Thank you again to all our contributors !

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As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

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