In October 10th was released the latest GA version of MySQL: 8.0.27.
As usual, it’s highly advised to read the release notes to get informed about the changes and bug fixed.
MySQL is Open Source and each release contains contributions from our great Community. Let me thanks all the contributors on behalf of the entire MySQL Team: Thank you !
MySQL 8.0.27 includes contributions from Adam Cable, Lukasz Sanek, Kaiwang Chen, Shaohua Wang,
Øystein Grøvlen, Zheng Lai, Huqing Yan, Biran Yue, Xiaoyu Wang, Hong Wang,
Kevin Michel, Björn Michael, Kaige Ye, Yubao Liu and Facebook.
Once again, thank you all for your great contributions.
Here is the list of the above contributions and related bugs:
Clients / Connectors
- #95564 createDatabaseIfNotExist is not working for databases with hyphen in name – Lukasz Sanek
- #102266 mysql_change_user fails due to COM_CHANGE_USER incorrectly parsed – Huqing Yan
- #103159 error log reports
Got error 203 when reading table
frequently – Brian Yue - #103796 Connector/J 8 stmt setQueryTimeout can not work – Hong Wang
- #104170 Contribution: ClientPreparedStmt: Leave Calendar untouched – Björn Michael
- #98635 Explain neglects db part of identifier after create view – Kaiwang CHen
- #99993 Add optimizer trace for in-memory estimate – Øystein Grøvlen
- #99174 Prepare transaction won’t rollback if server crash after online ddl prepare stag – Shaohua Wang
- #101658 Rollback segment can be initialized parallel – Zheng Lai
- #103371 Contribution: Make blackhole max index key length comparable to InnoDB – Adam Cable
- #103372 Contribution: innodb_dedicated_server = 1 with VM with 2GB of RAM causes startup to fail – Adam Cable
- #104575 Duplicated threads in performance_schema.threads table – Kaige Ye
Performance Schema
- #103788 Error in PFS_notification_registry’s impl
- #104582 fts_optimize_thread missing in performance_schema.threads – Kaige Ye
- #104583 buf_resize_thread missing in performance_schema.threads – Kaige Ye
- #104721 Contribution: Fix multi-valued index (bug#104700) – Kaige Ye
- #104153 CREATE…SELECT statements break replication when ANSI mode is enabled – Kevin Michel
If you have patches and you also would like to be part of the MySQL Contributors, it’s easy, you can send Pull Requests from MySQL’s GitHub repositories or send your patches on Bugs MySQL (signing the Oracle Contributor Agreement is required).
And don’t forget, that if you want to extend MySQL, the best way is to create a component !
Thank you again to all our contributors !