Now that MySQL is upgraded to 8.0 RC1, let’s have a look on how we could check the workload and see if we can optimize something by adding indexes for example. The same technique can be used to find inefficient queries requiring rewriting.
The first thing we will check is some information regarding the usage of the user used for’s website:
mysql> select * from sys.user_summary where user= 'wp_lefred'\G *************************** 1. row *************************** user: wp_lefred statements: 65060 statement_latency: 2.71 m statement_avg_latency: 2.50 ms table_scans: 234 file_ios: 17151 file_io_latency: 54.83 s current_connections: 0 total_connections: 2541 unique_hosts: 1 current_memory: 52.27 MiB total_memory_allocated: 12.50 GiB
This was after the upgrade, so not much info yet but if I compare with the other sites hosted on the same server, this is the user consuming more resources and it’s indeed expected to be so.
Let’s have a look on which files we spend some time:
mysql> select * from user_summary_by_file_io_type where user = 'wp_lefred'; +-----------+--------------------------------------+-------+---------+-------------+ | user | event_name | total | latency | max_latency | +-----------+--------------------------------------+-------+---------+-------------+ | wp_lefred | wait/io/file/sql/binlog | 10546 | 42.00 s | 904.96 ms | | wp_lefred | wait/io/file/innodb/innodb_data_file | 703 | 8.20 s | 428.02 ms | | wp_lefred | wait/io/file/innodb/innodb_log_file | 4258 | 3.16 s | 1.31 s | | wp_lefred | wait/io/file/sql/io_cache | 1669 | 1.52 s | 99.89 ms | +-----------+--------------------------------------+-------+---------+-------------+
OK this is not much and mostly it’s related to writing the transactions to the binary logs.
We can also check which tables in our schema is the most used and how:
mysql> select * from schema_table_statistics where table_schema='wp_lefred' limit 5\G *************************** 1. row *************************** table_schema: wp_lefred table_name: wp_posts total_latency: 31.45 s rows_fetched: 459094 fetch_latency: 31.40 s rows_inserted: 9 insert_latency: 21.55 ms rows_updated: 36 update_latency: 30.27 ms rows_deleted: 0 delete_latency: 0 ps io_read_requests: 337 io_read: 5.27 MiB io_read_latency: 4.72 s io_write_requests: 103 io_write: 1.61 MiB io_write_latency: 440.53 ms io_misc_requests: 37 io_misc_latency: 205.77 ms *************************** 2. row *************************** table_schema: wp_lefred table_name: wp_options total_latency: 11.93 s rows_fetched: 303808 fetch_latency: 6.54 s rows_inserted: 1394 insert_latency: 1.91 s rows_updated: 1764 update_latency: 2.57 s rows_deleted: 965 delete_latency: 907.15 ms io_read_requests: 110 io_read: 1.72 MiB io_read_latency: 1.12 s io_write_requests: 4868 io_write: 76.06 MiB io_write_latency: 2.08 s io_misc_requests: 833 io_misc_latency: 6.46 s *************************** 3. row *************************** table_schema: wp_lefred table_name: wp_comments total_latency: 2.20 s rows_fetched: 183408 fetch_latency: 2.19 s rows_inserted: 8 insert_latency: 10.58 ms rows_updated: 0 update_latency: 0 ps rows_deleted: 40 delete_latency: 6.22 ms io_read_requests: 76 io_read: 1.19 MiB io_read_latency: 338.79 ms io_write_requests: 68 io_write: 1.06 MiB io_write_latency: 52.50 ms io_misc_requests: 14 io_misc_latency: 71.83 ms *************************** 4. row *************************** table_schema: wp_lefred table_name: wp_commentmeta total_latency: 1.71 s rows_fetched: 7578 fetch_latency: 1.65 s rows_inserted: 26 insert_latency: 30.89 ms rows_updated: 0 update_latency: 0 ps rows_deleted: 152 delete_latency: 25.42 ms io_read_requests: 84 io_read: 1.31 MiB io_read_latency: 1.30 s io_write_requests: 57 io_write: 912.00 KiB io_write_latency: 58.08 ms io_misc_requests: 15 io_misc_latency: 84.45 ms *************************** 5. row *************************** table_schema: wp_lefred table_name: wp_postmeta total_latency: 1.61 s rows_fetched: 59397 fetch_latency: 1.45 s rows_inserted: 39 insert_latency: 39.75 ms rows_updated: 130 update_latency: 124.20 ms rows_deleted: 1 delete_latency: 337.19 us io_read_requests: 35 io_read: 560.00 KiB io_read_latency: 563.27 ms io_write_requests: 141 io_write: 2.20 MiB io_write_latency: 160.52 ms io_misc_requests: 131 io_misc_latency: 497.16 ms 5 rows in set (0.19 sec)
Now let’s start to identify the workload for this user. Using SYS
schema, we will first check what kind of statements are executed (by experience, maybe not on WordPress, I know that sometimes people gets surprised by the result):
mysql> select * from user_summary_by_statement_type where user ='wp_lefred'; +-----------+-------------+-------+---------------+-------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+---------------+------------+ | user | statement | total | total_latency | max_latency | lock_latency | rows_sent | rows_examined | rows_affected | full_scans | +-----------+-------------+-------+---------------+-------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+---------------+------------+ | wp_lefred | select | 47050 | 1.36 m | 5.33 s | 13.47 s | 195760 | 1145513 | 0 | 234 | | wp_lefred | update | 2214 | 39.73 s | 906.92 ms | 1.27 s | 0 | 2776 | 1934 | 0 | | wp_lefred | insert | 1493 | 15.68 s | 2.62 s | 3.22 s | 0 | 0 | 1439 | 0 | | wp_lefred | delete | 863 | 11.65 s | 1.32 s | 131.04 ms | 0 | 1164 | 1161 | 0 | | wp_lefred | show_fields | 981 | 7.04 s | 696.34 ms | 3.21 s | 4655 | 28180 | 0 | 0 | | wp_lefred | set_option | 7659 | 5.02 s | 1.04 s | 0 ps | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | wp_lefred | Init DB | 2553 | 2.24 s | 606.10 ms | 784.00 us | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | wp_lefred | Quit | 2553 | 79.69 ms | 4.26 ms | 0 ps | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-----------+-------------+-------+---------------+-------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+---------------+------------+ 8 rows in set (0.02 sec)
This time, as expected, the workload is read oriented. I can also see that show_fields
is still heavily used… I never understood why you always need to ask for the fields you created yourself in an app… but OK, I need to deal with it. If you write your own application, please don’t use that technique as is creates a disk temporary tables each time 🙁
schema also provides you a nice view called statement_analysis
that we can use to have information about the queries.
We can use this view to find the query that consumes most resources on the system (records are sorted by total_latency
before formatting to human readable value):
mysql> select * from statement_analysis where db = 'wp_lefred' limit 1\G *************************** 1. row *************************** query: UPDATE `wp_options` SET `optio ... ` = ? WHERE `option_name` = ? db: wp_lefred full_scan: exec_count: 1681 err_count: 0 warn_count: 0 total_latency: 15.30 s max_latency: 98.56 ms avg_latency: 9.10 ms lock_latency: 780.66 ms rows_sent: 0 rows_sent_avg: 0 rows_examined: 1681 rows_examined_avg: 1 rows_affected: 1608 rows_affected_avg: 1 tmp_tables: 0 tmp_disk_tables: 0 rows_sorted: 0 sort_merge_passes: 0 digest: b8b5219dfc9846cf7621b3121006835b first_seen: 2017-10-24 14:59:53.301502 last_seen: 2017-10-25 00:02:22.206160 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
We can see that this query is currently the one with the highest latency in total, this means that maybe the query is fast by called way too much. In this example the numbers are not bad, nothing to worry about as this is a write. So this view is excellent, but if I would like to check the execution plan of the query for example, I would like to have a full example.
To achieve this, I will join a performance_schema
mysql> select t1.*, QUERY_SAMPLE_TEXT from statement_analysis as t1 join performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest as t2 on t2.digest=t1.digest and t2.SCHEMA_NAME = t1.db where db = 'wp_lefred' limit 1\G *************************** 1. row *************************** query: SELECT `option_name` , `option ... options` WHERE `autoload` = ? db: wp_lefred full_scan: * exec_count: 103 err_count: 0 warn_count: 0 total_latency: 2.97 s max_latency: 600.21 ms avg_latency: 28.82 ms lock_latency: 39.46 ms rows_sent: 28825 rows_sent_avg: 280 rows_examined: 208849 rows_examined_avg: 2028 rows_affected: 0 rows_affected_avg: 0 tmp_tables: 0 tmp_disk_tables: 0 rows_sorted: 0 sort_merge_passes: 0 digest: 52292f0ae858595a6dfe100f30207c9f first_seen: 2017-10-24 14:59:50.492922 last_seen: 2017-10-24 23:45:26.192839 QUERY_SAMPLE_TEXT: SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options WHERE autoload = 'yes' 1 row in set (0.21 sec)
Now we can use this sample query to retrieve the QEP.
If you enable the long history, you can use that table to retrieve even older queries.
To enable it you need to perform:
UPDATE setup_consumers SET enabled = 1 WHERE name = 'events_statements_history_long';
Then you can make a list using a statement like this one:
mysql> SELECT left(digest_text, 64), ROUND(SUM(timer_end-timer_start)/1000000000, 1) AS tot_exec_ms, ROUND(SUM(timer_end-timer_start)/1000000000/COUNT(*), 1) AS avg_exec_ms, ROUND(MIN(timer_end-timer_start)/1000000000, 1) AS min_exec_ms, ROUND(MAX(timer_end-timer_start)/1000000000, 1) AS max_exec_ms, ROUND(SUM(timer_wait)/1000000000, 1) AS tot_wait_ms, ROUND(SUM(timer_wait)/1000000000/COUNT(*), 1) AS avg_wait_ms, ROUND(MIN(timer_wait)/1000000000, 1) AS min_wait_ms, ROUND(MAX(timer_wait)/1000000000, 1) AS max_wait_ms, ROUND(SUM(lock_time)/1000000000, 1) AS tot_lock_ms, ROUND(SUM(lock_time)/1000000000/COUNT(*), 1) AS avglock_ms, ROUND(MIN(lock_time)/1000000000, 1) AS min_lock_ms, ROUND(MAX(lock_time)/1000000000, 1) AS max_lock_ms, MIN(LEFT(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL (isgs.VARIABLE_VALUE - TIMER_START*10e-13) second), 19)) AS first_seen, MAX(LEFT(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL (isgs.VARIABLE_VALUE - TIMER_START*10e-13) second), 19)) AS last_seen, COUNT(*) as cnt, ANY_VALUE(SQL_TEXT) FROM events_statements_history_long JOIN global_status AS isgs WHERE isgs.variable_name = 'UPTIME' and CURRENT_SCHEMA='wp_lefred' GROUP BY LEFT(digest_text,64) ORDER BY tot_exec_ms DESC limit 1\G *************************** 1. row *************************** left(digest_text, 64): UPDATE `wp_options` SET `option_value` = ? , `autoload` = ? WHER tot_exec_ms: 722.2 avg_exec_ms: 11.5 min_exec_ms: 0.3 max_exec_ms: 72.0 tot_wait_ms: 722.2 avg_wait_ms: 11.5 min_wait_ms: 0.3 max_wait_ms: 72.0 tot_lock_ms: 37.1 avglock_ms: 0.6 min_lock_ms: 0.1 max_lock_ms: 2.2 first_seen: 2017-10-24 16:40:51 last_seen: 2017-10-24 16:50:17 cnt: 63 ANY_VALUE(SQL_TEXT): UPDATE `wp_options` SET `option_value` = '1508856059', `autoload` = 'yes' WHERE `option_name` = 'jetpack_next_sync_time_full-sync-enqueue' 1 row in set (0.32 sec)
There are many other useful tables in SYS
schema like:
mysql> SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_sys` LIKE 'statements_with%'; +---------------------------------------------+ | Tables_in_sys | +---------------------------------------------+ | statements_with_errors_or_warnings | | statements_with_full_table_scans | | statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile | | statements_with_sorting | | statements_with_temp_tables | +---------------------------------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Like for the preview queries, you can always join performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest
to get a full example to analyze.
In the next post, we will see how we can verify the Query Execution Plan of a query, its cost and what it really does.
Awesome tutorial. WordPress is a great platform that used by restaurants, media, and small business. But what the developers lost it’s its optimization. Keep your website up to date with latest software and plugins!
Thank you!
[…] Read More (Community content) […]
[…] Today, yet another blog post about improvements in MySQL 8.0 related to Performance_Schema. Before MySQL 8.0 it was not always easy to get an example of the queries you could find in Performance_Schema when looking for statements summaries. You had to link several tables (even from sys) to achieve this goal as I explained it in this post. […]
[…] Today, yet another blog post about improvements in MySQL 8.0 related to Performance_Schema. Before MySQL 8.0 it was not always easy to get an example of the queries you could find in Performance_Schema when looking for statements summaries. You had to link several tables (even from sys) to achieve this goal as I explained it in this post. […]
Thanks for writing and sharing this awesome post. If you are managing a WordPress website, the understanding of how MySQL, the database management system is working will be very helpful to you.