Percona XtraDB Cluster “bootstrap” option for init script

If you followed previous post about init script (here and here) for Percona XtraDB Cluster, I proposed a new solution to standardize the bootstrap of the cluster in debian/ubuntu and redhat/centos instead of using 2 different ways.

You can read about this on launchpad bug #1152764.

So now to start the first node of a cluster when no other node is already running, you just need to use bootstrap command with the init script like bellow:

# /etc/init.d/mysql bootstrap
Starting MySQL (Percona XtraDB Cluster)..... SUCCESS!

I attached the patches here too.

If you followed previous post about init script (here and here) for Percona XtraDB Cluster, I proposed a new solution to standardize the bootstrap of the cluster in debian/ubuntu and redhat/centos instead of using 2 different ways.

You can read about this on launchpad bug #1152764.

So now to start the first node of a cluster when no other node is already running, you just need to use bootstrap command with the init script like bellow:

# /etc/init.d/mysql bootstrap
Starting MySQL (Percona XtraDB Cluster)..... SUCCESS!

I attached the patches here too.

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As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

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