Since I use puppet to manage my machines (and the machines of customers), I noticed that I had more packages installed then before, I noticed also obviously the same behavior in packages to update and bandwidth consumption during updates.
I realize that on 64bits machines, most of the time, the 32bits version of the packages managed by puppet were also installed.
This is what I did in my recipes before:
package { "corosync": ensure => "installed", require => Yumrepo["clusterlabs"]; }
This kind of package declaration installed then the two version of the package, in this case corosync and the dependencies too.
To avoid this I added the fact hardwaremodel and used the alias to keep my recipes consistent:
package { "corosync.$hardwaremodel": ensure => "installed", alias => "corosync", require => Yumrepo["clusterlabs"]; }
Hope this could help people having noticed the same behavior… or not 🙂
You could also put “exclude=*.i386 *.i586 *.i686” in the main section of yum.conf to avoid having to modify all your puppet recipes.
But of course that line should be in puppet too 🙂
augeas {
context => “/files/etc/yum.conf/main”,
changes => “set exclude ‘*.i386 *.i586 *.i686′”,