Open Source et logiciels libres, l’entreprise en liberté ?

Today I was attending a conference in Mons (Belgium) from libre-tic about open source software, free (as freedom) the enterprise ?

To be honest I was disappointed, the conference didn't achieve my expectations. (and I don't talk about the lack of WIFI or the massive use of windope vista)

The majority of the speakers didn't convince me, they didn't really focus on the subject of "l'entreprise en liberté". We had examples of people using FLOSS to make business, to retrieve money from Europe but they don't contribute to the community and they even seem proud of it !

A nice initiative is intelli-n TV, even if they didn't know yet the FOSDEM, we invite them to it.

Of course some speakers were great :

- Robert Viseur talking about the licenses and the economical models
- Fabien Pinckaers, CEO of OpenERP, explained his economical model and showed an amazing demo of his product (it's really time that I invest more time in it!)
- the presentation of a company that contribute to the community of Alfresco with mailmanagement solution

I was also interested about the presentation of TechnoCité form Gilles Betrand.

The great idea was to ask to a radio animator (Cédric Godart) to animate the discussion, but to be honest there was not really a debate due to timing and interest of the presentations.

Something I don't understand is how the organization selected the speakers, there was people from the South of France defending a nice open source product (lundi matin business) but that can't be used in Belgium. On there are 96 open source companies referenced and certainly many real players and not only users acting as a open source company.

I was happy anyway too spend that day with Gildas and Alain.

Today I was attending a conference in Mons (Belgium) from libre-tic about open source software, free (as freedom) the enterprise ?

To be honest I was disappointed, the conference didn’t achieve my expectations. (and I don’t talk about the lack of WIFI or the massive use of windope vista)

The majority of the speakers didn’t convince me, they didn’t really focus on the subject of “l’entreprise en liberté”. We had examples of people using FLOSS to make business, to retrieve money from Europe but they don’t contribute to the community and they even seem proud of it !

A nice initiative is intelli-n TV, even if they didn’t know yet the FOSDEM, we invite them to it.

Of course some speakers were great :

– Robert Viseur talking about the licenses and the economical models
– Fabien Pinckaers, CEO of OpenERP, explained his economical model and showed an amazing demo of his product (it’s really time that I invest more time in it!)
– the presentation of a company that contribute to the community of Alfresco with mailmanagement solution

I was also interested about the presentation of TechnoCité form Gilles Betrand.

The great idea was to ask to a radio animator (Cédric Godart) to animate the discussion, but to be honest there was not really a debate due to timing and interest of the presentations.

Something I don’t understand is how the organization selected the speakers, there was people from the South of France defending a nice open source product (lundi matin business) but that can’t be used in Belgium. On there are 96 open source companies referenced and certainly many real players and not only users acting as a open source company.

I was happy anyway too spend that day with Gildas and Alain.

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As MySQL Community Manager, I am an employee of Oracle and the views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

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