Today, yet another blog post about improvements in MySQL 8.0 related to
. Before MySQL 8.0 it was not always easy to get an example of the queries you could find in Performance_Schema
when looking for statements summaries. You had to link several tables (even from sys
) to achieve this goal as I explained it in this post.
Now in MySQL 8.0, we have changed the table events_statements_summary_by_digest
. This table now contains 6 extra columns:
: stores the 95th percentile of the statement latency, in picoseconds.QUANTILE_99
: stores the 99th percentile of the statement latency, in picoseconds.QUANTILE_999
: stores the 99.9th percentile of the statement latency, in picoseconds.QUERY_SAMPLE_TEXT
: captures a query sample that can be used with EXPLAIN to get a query plan.QUERY_SAMPLE_SEEN
: stores the timestamp of the query.QUERY_SAMPLE_TIMER_WAIT
: stores the query sample execution time.
have also been modified to use fractional seconds. The previous definition was:
Field: LAST_SEEN Type: timestamp Null: NO Key: Default: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Extra:
Now it’s
Field: LAST_SEEN Type: timestamp(6) Null: NO Key: Default: 0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000 Extra:
The main goal is to capture a full example query like it was made in production with some key information about this query example and to make it easily accessible.
I forgot something important that the famous daddy of SYS
and Performance_Schema
expert reported to me: performance_schema_max_digest_sample_age
Indeed, you can control the sampling for the queries in events_statements_summary_by_digest
table. By default if the sample statement is for the same query digest is older than 60 seconds (default value of performance_schema_max_digest_sample_age
) then it gets replaced by the new statement. Even if the new statement wait time is less than the one already in the table. If the old statement is not too old, it gets replaced only if the new statement as a greater wait_time
[…] 8.0 engineers have added more visibility in the summary tables as explained in this previous post. But to add more details, now the Performance_Schema also collects the statements latency and […]
[…] 8.0 engineers have added more visibility in the summary tables as explained in this previous post. But to add more details, now the Performance_Schema also collects the statements latency and […]
[…] events_statements_summary_by_digestというperformance schemaテーブルに対して、クエリサンプルの完全なクエリ例と重要な情報を得られるよう、変更が行われました。ユーザーが実際のクエリにEXPLAINを実行して実行計画を得られるようにするため、クエリサンプルを格納するQUERY_SAMPLE_TEXT列が追加されました。QUERY_SAMPLE_SEEN列が、クエリサンプルのタイムスタンプを確認するために追加されました。QUERY_SAMPLE_TIMER_WAIT列が、クエリサンプルの実行所要時間を確認するために追加されました。FIRST_SEEN列とLAST_SEEN列が、秒の小数部分を表示するよう変更されました。こちらのFrederic Descampsのブログ記事をご覧ください。 […]